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    Titan in the Playground
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    Feb 2008
    Enköping, Sweden

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 - 13: Bet you could really go for a bottle of cool, refreshing Tupa

    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
    That's not his argument, it's Starkid's. I think for all our disagreements over the ending, we all agree that Starkid is a moron.
    The Starbrat's logic is faulty because his creators gave him faulty parameters and not enough restrictions. The Starbrat isn't a moron by his own design, he is designed to be a moron "on purpose" due to bad programming from his creators. Too bad this led to the creation of the Reapers and the binding of the Reapers to the same faulty logic...


    Regarding "Awesome Buddy Ai's":

    EDI speculates that in her case it was the combined effect of Joker, who after the Collector raid started truly treating her like a person, the rest of the crew at least almost treating her like a crew member, and the fact that she was designed to emulate a person. After she gets hold of a body, this progresses further, with Joker actually falling in love with her (and the other way around!), the crew TRULY seeing her as a crew member and it being even easier for her to "emulate" a person because well... body. All this led to her WANTING to be a crue member, WANTING to be one of the Band Of Brothers.

    She also speculates that the Quarian's big mistake was to make the Geth so unlike themselves they could not "identify" with them. Knowing that the Geth were not individuals (on the level of one individual - one body) made it easier to just shut them off.

    The other problem with the Geth is that quite frankly the Quarians ASSUMED the Terminator / Battlestar Galactica scenario would play out, never bothered to attempt any negotiations and just blasted away. The Geth, not being true AI were still at least partly bound by their original programming and respected and wanted to protect their creators. Hence the fact that they, without the Quarians realizing it, they had protected, cleaned and prepared Rannoch for their return.

    The other AI's we find (ME1) are all acting in confusion and or self defence. EDI / Luna gained true sentience as Shepard attacked, according to her. Before that she was a very advanced VI that (as far as I understood it) started to mistake the army training against her as an actual attack and retaliated with sudden lethal force. The AI on the citadel merely assumed it would be killed and committed suicide.

    Regarding the war on Synthetics in Prothean times, this actually is very different: The Machine Race then was basically a mix between the Borg and Movie!Doc Oc's arms: The implants took over the body. We do not know what triggered this, or why the AI's were hostile.

    Of any instances before that we only know what the Leviathan thought about it.
    Last edited by Avilan the Grey; 2014-05-27 at 01:26 AM.
    Blizzard Battletag: UnderDog#21677

    Shepard: "Wrex! Do we have mawsign?"
    Wrex: "Shepard, we have mawsign the likes of which even Reapers have never seen!"