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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    a dark room

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3 - 13: Bet you could really go for a bottle of cool, refreshing Tupa

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    And I'm not for a moment saying the Geth were wrong to defend themselves. But again, the Catalyst's mission is preserving life. The Geth were either unwilling to show or incapable of showing restraint in that battle. With the Quarians gone, it would fall to the remaining organic races to accept them, or (as is much more likely if we somehow won without the Crucible), not to. In which case the Geth, once again defending themselves, could easily make the judgment to take out the Asari, or Salarians, or humanity next.

    Consider that in a mere 300 years, the Geth kept pace with and even exceeded the technology of species that had been around for eons longer. Where would another 300 years put them relative to us? What judgments might they make then? What might hostile organics try to do that would set them off? All chances that the Catalyst could not take, not with its mission.
    While I do agree completely with the second part, the statement about no restraint is not true. They could have pursued the Quarians and wiped them out just to make sure they could never pose a threat again. (Familicide, anyone?) Yet they stopped the exact moment the Quarians were no longer attacking.

    Just realized you were not talking about the morning war.
    Last edited by Bit Fiend; 2014-05-27 at 07:19 AM.
    We'll build a fortress
    To keep them out
    And in a world gone silent
    I'll be your sound