Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
1) And yet all of that so-called sentiment doesn't stop them from wiping out all the Quarians without a single survivor in the end.
Nor does it stop the Quarians from wiping out all the Geth without a single survivor. So this doesn't differentiate the Geth from organics. There is no "as only AI can" here.

Some other points:
-The liveships were fighting in the war as military units, so pointing out that the Geth targeted them is not relevant.
-Consensus is not universal among the Geth, as Legion's loyalty mission demonstrates. Different collectives may reach different consensuses. Further fragmentation is possible.
-The Geth aren't the only group to have wiped out another species. Consider the Rachni.

Anyway, my point wasn't that the Catalyst's opinion couldn't possibly be reconciled with our interactions with AI in the series. My point was that Bioware didn't even try, either by making our interactions with AI more compatible with the Catalyst's opinion, or vice versa, or by offering an explanation for the difference. There's a negative possibility space there that wasn't filled.