Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
The core conflict is basically the same as that in Babylon 5, anyway - an "elder race" that was supposed to be looking out for the younger ones completely failing in that objective. The final battle is the tipping point where you finally get to say "Get the HELL out of our galaxy!!" so it would be a little strange if the Catalyst's argument was perfect and you nodded and agreed that Reaping was the correct thing to do.
Except in B5 Sheridan's final gambit was to prove that the Vorlon and Shadows had outlived their mission and had become a cancer on the Galaxy as it is now. And it is one of my favorite moments in SF. Sheridan showed that their argument, and reason for being in the galaxy was moot at this point. I would argue that the catalyst is in the Sheridan role in the end of ME. He stands there and argues that all your actions, experiences, and beliefs are meaningless meaning the roles are reversed making his view the protagonist view and us the antagonist. That is partially why I felt and continue to feel that in the end the Catalyst, and thus, the Reapers won and I, the player, lost. And its one of my least favorite moments in SF or any fiction.