Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
You can make up as many excuses as you want. We're flat out told "we're losing" "it's just a matter of time" "we can't win" over and over and over again. If you want to just ignore the entire narrative of the trilogy then fine, but almost no one else agrees with you.
Hey, what happens, happens. I'm not saying it didn't happen, that'd be denying the cause and effect. I'm just saying there's heavy dissonance. Direct observation doesn't match up with what you're being told.

I mean hell, look at Psyren's loading screen. You're just told that the crucible has been destroyed. The Crucible being that thing you're standing directly on that's totally solid with no build up. You can look out the window and not feel too urgent, since you can just see all those ships hanging out lazily in that Reapers giant ass blind spot, with it unable to do a single goddamn thing, because reapers only have like one Cannon on the front and there's three more behind it, with it still being outnumbered. Even when you're about to lose the obvious weaknesses of the reapers is right there on full display.

The reapers are supposed to be all powerful and ominous. But they totally fail at selling the idea visually.