Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Meh. I really don't see why I'd want one of those. Even if I hadn't played Brawl with Wiimote + Nunchuk, the Wii U has a classic controller that's pretty much identical to typical modern controllers, which are strictly better than the Gamecube controller.
You are underestimating how much pro-level Smash players love the Gamecube Controller.
Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Chrom and Marth are only as similar as the developers of the game choose to make them. Ike was changed for his Smash Brothers incarnation, after all. In his games he's a fairly typical Lord with good stats all-around, not a slow, strong bruiser. And when he was announced for Brawl they made a big deal out of his sword being a two-handed one that he's strong enough to wield one-handed, which was not the case in his games at all - his sword was actually one of a pair that were dual-wielded by an ancient hero. No offense to her, but I sincerely doubt anyone dual-wields greatswords.
Ragnell is the heaviest sword available in normal play in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, though, and having Ike be both lightning-fast and monstrously strong would've made him fairly OP.

Also, Altina was apparently some kind of hyper-turbo badass, but even then, the one image we have of her (standing bare-back on the massive Lion laguz Soan, with Dheginsea covering their rear) is of her holding only one of the swords (Alondite is still strapped to her belt). Also one-handed, since while Fire Emblem frequently has gender-based stat caps, the fighting ladies still get a strength cap of "can decapitate a mook with a butter knife."