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Thread: OOTS #953 - The Discussion Thread

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Re: OOTS #953 - The Discussion Thread

    Sorry I don't believe that Durkula's disguise has just blown. Yes, it is apparent to everyone that the storm was sent by a deity (presumably Thor) on purpose. Now, if Durkula actually succeeds in controlling that storm, he could argue that the storm was sent by Thor so that he (Durkula) can prove he's still in good relations with Thor. And if he doesn't succeed, he could argue that as Thor has forsaken him he's now kind of a "free" cleric finding another affiliation and could ask for the group's support in his quest. Any way, the group would have good reasons to further trust him, because either he's "still Durkon, but with an evil accent", or "still Durkon, but needs help and is honest about it".

    By the way: Durkon casting Control weather is not exactly untypical: 352
    Last edited by Trurl; 2014-06-02 at 04:19 AM.