Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
cant it be in the sunshine/Lollipops domain too?
Only if you want a storm where all the raindrops are lemon drops and gumdrops. (Oh, what a rain that would be!)

Personally, I'd find it funny in a Schadenfreude kind of way if the prophecy got fulfilled by the simple expedient of
Spoiler: rambling speculation
the airship crash-landing onto a dwarven mountain.

Oh no, don't get me wrong -- Durkon won't be killing/destroying dwarves. What's happened is that a guerilla swarm of pine saplings has sprung up on a peak right next door to the main tunnel entrance. The dwarves have gathered at their gate at dawn for one final stand, when suddenly, the flaming gaseous behemoth descends from the heavens and obliterates the arboreal invaders. And then, from the burning wreckage, there will rise a fanged dwarf who has cloaked his entire crew in Protection from Fire.

There will be much rejoicing, and the fanged dwarf shall be welcomed as a hero who has won a war, who has delivered all of the victories and destruction on behalf of every dwarf in the land.

And then they will all have cake and nothing bad will happen to anybody ever the end.