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Thread: New Cyre (IC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Cyre (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by RaggedAngel View Post
    Fix looks around the small room where she waits over Sojan as he rests. It is dark, the pitch dark of night away the city. There are some small sounds outside, the quiet noises of a town at rest. Things are peaceful, for the first time in what feels like ages, but has been less than a week. Still, she cannot help but feel like she heard a voice speaking, somewhere in the back of her mind.

    "I forgive you," she mutters softly. She relaxed back into her chair, quiet and still. She should be crafting something, she knew, or brewing a potion, or...

    Sojan rolls over, his brow furrowed with fever dreams. Fix reaches over, laying her hand on the soldier's shoulder. He calms down after a moment, the dream passed, and he settles back into restful sleep. She decided then that she could take one night away from her work. It was for a good reason.
    Lol Ragged. So I'm like running this game in real life and literally in the span of an hour the OOC forum disappeared. I actually had a lot of information in the ooc forums hidden. Look at my signature and click the period at the end of the link. It goes no where now, sadly.
    Last edited by Jopustopin; 2014-06-05 at 01:43 AM.
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