A stronger person will be able to get an edged weapon to penetrate deeper into their target, even cutting through bone, or carry a cut further through the skin, causing more blood loss. They'd also potentially be able to smash through a defence, causing light injuries where a weaker person wouldn't be able to.

A stronger person would also be able to wield a heavier weapon, so you could potentially start multiplying the effects of higher strength - although you could then get into issues based around their own momentum.

Quote Originally Posted by Kalmageddon View Post
Chopped meat though and it's the cleaver that does most of the work.
To an extent, but there's a lot of difference in how far you'll got through if you just drop the cleaver on it from an inch above, or bring it down with a reasonable amount of strength from six inches above.

On a human body I'd say that anyone can stab a knife deep enough to make it fatal, unless there's bone in the way.
Depending of course where the knife hits.
And for a stronger person, there's more potentially fatal areas available to them - some of which may have bone in the way.