Quote Originally Posted by Comrade View Post
Meh. I think I've grown too jaded to the whole idea of arguing over feminism on the internet. It's just never worked out well; the other person merely walks away even more convinced of their noble crusade against the dreaded feminazi, and I come away from it eaten up with impotent rage. I'd like to say yeah, it's worth it just by virtue of at least fighting the battle that needs to be fought even if victory is unlikely, but at this point I probably just wouldn't bother.
That's actually a recognized thing. Telling people they are wrong causes them to become more firmly sure of their opinion. You cannot change someone's mind (in general) by saying "you're wrong, the right answer is … and here is evidence", it's not possible.

I mean, it is possible, but not likely. I try very hard to be sway-able, for example, and take the truth as my opinion rather than making my opinion the truth, and I'm sure you can find five or more people in this thread alone that think I'm an arrogant tosser who insists on always being right.

Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
Thanks guys. That's what I figured, but it drives me crazy to see certain things.

I mean, I'm personally pretty conservative in my tastes and activities a lot of the time. But I don't like "one true way" of doing social things, and I don't like inequality, and I especially don't like when they're combined.