Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
I mean, it is possible, but not likely. I try very hard to be sway-able, for example, and take the truth as my opinion rather than making my opinion the truth, and I'm sure you can find five or more people in this thread alone that think I'm an arrogant tosser who insists on always being right.
The thing is, some things simply aren't a difference of opinion: they're correct, or incorrect. For example, I remember someone on a forum stating in passing that people 'choose' to be homosexual, so I stated that this isn't true, that there are heaps upon heaps of evidence as to why that isn't true. They responded with 'we'll just have to agree to disagree', which really got to me, because you can't just agree to disagree on reality, especially with regards to misconceptions that encourage prejudice and bigotry. Reality is what it is. Some things are differences of opinion (ie "Incantation is a better band than Suffocation" (actually, that's just factually incorrect)). And some things are simply rejection and substitution of reality (ie "There are only two genders, each of which correlates incontrovertibly with one of two sexes").