Caroline, just a couple of questions/comments on content:
A "transgender person" is a person whose gender identity or gender expression does not match their birth assigned genre and/or who identifies as a gender other than "male" or "female".
Is the inclusion of gender expression in this definition standard? I'd been under the impression that it was identity that defined someone as trans, not expression. Checking google indicates that gender expression is sometimes defined as "the expression of gender identity", in which case, okay* - but I wouldn't previously have called a guy who likes makeup and dresses (but suffers no dysphoria and identifies as a man) transgender, I would have said he's a man with feminine gender expression.

*By this definition, it seems like gender expression is how one signals one's correct gender to the world, so someone who wishes to dress and present themselves in a manner culturally associated with a gender not their own isn't actually expressing gender at all? This isn't how I understood the phrase, but I might have been using the terminology incorrectly - thoughts?

the University takes necessary measures to limit the number of gendered spaces
It seems like this could potentially be used to limit the number of sororities, fraternities and women's groups. Is this intended?

I think Comrade found all the minor word-choice issues I spotted.