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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    In a shadow of a shadow

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion XVI: Chej Kejak, Pokegod Trainer!

    Yeah, I was initially upset when the Devil-Tigers were removed...

    ...Then I thought about it, and realized how restrictive they and the 2E paradigm was. So I've come around.

    And the thing is, thinking Infernals are always going to be evil because of their thematic as "sorcerer-king returned in decadent and magnificent splendor" is...bull. Complete bull.

    Funny thing about privilege and wealth: Being both gives you the opportunity to consider whether you're actually worthy of either, since you don't have to worry about matters like food, or housing, or self-willed...It's why artists tend to show up in wealthy nations and empires, they have time to actually learn to paint and write.

    A 3E Infernal can easily be, say, Carnegie (yes, yes, perhaps not the best example, but he still funded a lot of schools and tried to make world peace); a self-made man from the dirt who recognizes they are only special in that they lucked out, and decides to bring others up to their level, donating their fortune and behaving with a fair hand. To people under their employ (Standard Oil was a thing), but frankly, sometimes the difference between hero and monster is what you were like on a personal basis. And what you helped fund.
    Last edited by Leliel; 2014-06-21 at 10:39 PM.
    My Homestuck role is Thane of Space of the Land of Insanity and Frogs.

    The Malkavians would be proud.


    Thanks to Mokipi for the Exalted avatar!

    For avatars of your own, he's on White Wolf.