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    Default Re: Base Class Contest XXIII - Armageddon Ready

    Herald of Ragnarok

    I have the right to use this picture because I drew it

    The war of the gods is upon you!

    A Herald of Ragnarok is a Viking berzerker prophet of doom.

    Adventures: Heralds adventure to show off their combat prowess and mystical powers and to further their own power, in order to better gain the attention of the masses for their message: that the gods will have a disastrous final battle, and soon.

    Characteristics: Heralds of Ragnarok are similar to clerics and barbarians. They have a rage ability and spell-like abilities both fueled by "miracle points." In combat, they function as a gish-type character, and out of combat they can make a decent utility character.

    Alignment: Heralds are granted their power by the All-father, Odin, and his favored son, Thor. They are instructed as to their purpose and set loose on the world. Supposedly, the most faithful and powerful Herald of Ragnarok will be allowed to strike the first blow in the coming battle. However, the Heralds are not compelled to do as they are commanded and can be of any alignment.

    Religion: Heralds of Ragnarok are prophets for all the Norse pantheon, but they are not required to worship them. Their purpose lies with informing the mortals. Many are quite devout, however.

    Background: Heralds gain their powers at adolescence, along with visions directly from the All-father. A Herald of Ragnarok is chosen, not trained. Thus, they can come from any background.

    Races: The Heralds of Ragnarok in a given setting will come from the races that worship the Norse gods, most often humans and dwarves.

    Other Classes: A Herald of Ragnarok is very capable of handling most situations, but many come to see the value of teamwork. Stealth and subterfuge are their main shortcomings, so rogues often become useful to them, although many disdain subtlety altogether. Clerics are most similar to them, but since the Herald is free to disobey their divine mandate, they may come into conflict with clerics. They also share the barbarian's main skill set, and are often more similar to them in outlook.

    Role: The Herald is a front-line combatant and a caster.

    Adaptation: The Herald of Ragnarok class assumes that the Norse pantheon exists in a setting and that they are going to have a war amongst themselves. A setting without them could still have a Herald, but it would be of some other climactic battle.

    Heralds of Ragnarok have the following game statistics.
    Abilities: Charisma affects the strength of the Herald's miracles, and the physical abilities determine their combat prowess.
    Alignment: Any
    Hit Die: d8
    Starting Age: As sorceror
    Starting Gold: 1d10x1d10

    Class Skills
    The Herald's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at First Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Miracles, Spear Mastery
    Favored Weapons
    Rage Augment
    Weapon Enhancement (+1)
    Holy Weaponry I
    Aligned Domain
    Rage Augment
    Weapon Enhancement (+2)
    Holy Weaponry II
    Spear Transformation
    Rage Augment
    Weapon Enhancement (+3)
    Call Weapons
    Extra Devotion
    Rage Augment
    Weapon Enhancement (+4)
    Extra Devotion
    Weapons of the Gods
    Rage Augment
    Weapon Enhancement (+5), Godstrike

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Herald of Ragnarok.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Heralds of Ragnarok are proficient with all simple weapons, and warhammers.

    Miracles (Su): The Herald of Ragnarok has the ability to perform miracles for the purpose of spreading their message. These miracles start out minor, but become more and more powerful until they are truly worthy of the name. The Herald has a pool of miracle points equal to his levels in Herald of Ragnarok. The most basic miracle is the berzerker rage, which is identical in function to the barbarian's rage except that the Herald also increases his base attack bonus to match his HD during his rage. It costs at least one miracle point and lasts one round per point of the character's improved constitution bonus, plus the number of miracle points spent. They are fatigued like a barbarian's rage, and can only use berzerker rage once per encounter. Miracle points are regained in two ways: combat, and leveling up. The Herald of Ragnarok's miracle point pool is completely filled whenever he takes a level in Herald of Ragnarok. He also gains one miracle point in any round in which he takes hitpoint damage, ability drain, ability damage, or level drain, and he gains one miracle point by damaging an opponent with a unarmed strike, weapon attack, or grapple check, so by being damaged and damaging an opponent, he can regain up to two miracle points per round. The other way he can use miracle points is to emulate spells. Spells emulated via miracle points count as supernatural abilities and have a save DC of 10 + the Herald's Cha modifier + the level of the spell emulated. The Herald does not need material components, and suffers no arcane spell failure chance for wearing armor or carrying a shield, but he must have either a free hand or a spear or warhammer in his hand, and he must always be able to speak to call on the gods, whether or not the spell normally has a verbal component. The cost in miracle points is determined by the type of spell he is emulating. Spells that deal lightning damage, spells that deal sonic damage, and spells on the War and Strength domain lists cost one miracle point per level of the spell. Other divine spells cost two miracle points per level of the spell. The Herald of Ragnarok can only emulate spells of a level up to half his levels in Herald of Ragnarok, except at level one, when he can emulate 1st level spells. The Herald of Ragnarok cannot emulate spells during a berzerker rage. Emulated spells must come from the cleric's spell list, except where otherwise noted; spells which are on certain domain lists but not on the normal cleric spell list cannot be emulated.

    Spear Mastery: The spear is the favored weapon of the All-father, Odin. The Herald of Ragnarok treats all spears as a single weapon type for the purposes of feats, class abilities, and proficiencies. Thus, if the Herald takes the Weapon Focus: Longspear feat, he also gains his bonus when using spears and shortspears. This also means that anywhere in the Herald's class abilities which refer to spears mean longspears, shortspears, and spears.

    Favored Weapons: At second level, the Herald of Ragnarok learns how to better use the weapons of his patron deities. The Herald is treated as having the feats Two-weapon Fighting and Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting as long as they are armed with only spears and/or warhammers.

    Rage Augment: At third, seventh, eleventh, fifteenth and nineteenth level, the Herald of Ragnarok learns powerful enhancements that are added as options when they use their berzerker rage. A given rage augment is available at a minimum level, but can also be chosen afterwards instead of a higher level one. Multiple Rage Augments can be stacked on a single berzerker rage. Some rage augments change the amount of the bonus to strength and constitution. These do not stack unless they say so; use whichever number is higher for each ability.

    Spoiler: Third level Rage Augments

    Thunder Rage: Using Thunder rage costs two additional miracle points. During a thunder rage, the Herald of Ragnarok gains the use of the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, and can act as if he has Two-weapon fighting if attacking unarmed. His fists deal additional sonic damage equal to his levels in Herald of Ragnarok for the duration of his berzerker rage.

    Lightning Rage: Using Lightning rage costs two additional miracle points. For the duration of the lightning rage, the Herald of Ragnarok can use a standard action to emit a line of lightning 100ft long which deals 1d6 damage, +1d6 every four levels, with a reflex save of 10 + 1/2 the Herald's level + the Herald's Charisma bonus for half damage.

    Iron Skin Rage: Iron Skin Rage costs one additional miracle point. During an Iron Skin Rage, piercing and slashing weapons deal half damage to the Herald of Ragnarok.

    Spoiler: Seventh level Rage Augments

    Unstoppable Rage: Unstoppable Rage costs three additional miracle points. During an unstoppable rage, the Herald of Ragnarok operates as if under a freedom of movement spell. The Herald also is not incapacitated when brought to 0 or lower hitpoints, and does not die at -10 hitpoints unless their berzerker rage ends while they are still at negative hitpoints, at which point they suffer the consequences as normal.

    Mageslayer Rage: A Mageslayer Rage costs three additional miracle points. During a Mageslayer Rage, a Herald gain SR equal to 10 + half his levels of Herald of Ragnarok + his Charisma bonus. He gains an additional +2 to will saves, and can designate any successful melee attack to either dispel magic on the target (the caster level check is equal to the damage) or to place a dimensional anchor effect on the target (will save equal to 10 + half his levels of Herald of Ragnarok + his Charisma bonus negates).

    Trollblooded Rage: Trollblooded Rage costs three additional miracle points. During a Trollblooded rage, the Herald of Ragnarok gains the cold subtype, gaining immunity to cold and taking double damage from fire. They also add +6 to their strength and +8 to their constitution instead of +4, and gain fast healing equal to their new constitution bonus, and the powerful build quality for the duration of the rage.

    Spoiler: Eleventh level Rage Augments

    Fenris Rage: A Fenris Rage costs five additional miracle points. You take on the form of a giant werewolf, growing a size category larger and gaining a bite attack with appropriate damage for your size (1d8 for size large) and two claw attacks (1d6 for size large). Your strength and constitution bonuses are +10 and +6 respectively instead of +4. Your equipment grows with you. Any enlarged item that leaves your possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage (projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them).

    Trickster's Rage: A trickster's rage costs four additional miracle points. You gain the fire subtype, gaining immunity to fire and taking double damage from cold for the duration of the rage. You can emulate spells during a trickster's rage, and you also gain the ability to emulate spells from the trickery and fire domains at a cost of one miracle point per level of the spell being emulated.

    Midgard Serpent Rage: A midgard serpent rage costs four additional miracle points. You grow massive serpent's fangs and scales all over your body. You gain the Improved Grapple feat and the Powerful Build special quality for the duration of the rage, and your grapple damage is 2d8 + 1.5 x your strength bonus. You also gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage and has a weakening poison that deals 1d6 Str damage initial, 2d6 strength damage secondary, and has a DC of 10 + 1/2 your Herald of Ragnarok levels + your new constitution bonus. Your bonuses to Strength and Constitution are both +6 instead of +4.

    Spoiler: Fifteenth level Rage Augments

    Hunter's Rage: The Hunter's Rage costs six additional miracle points. You gain True Seeing for the duration of the rage, a +20 enhancement bonus to Spot and Listen checks, and blindsight out to 50 ft. You may move three times your normal movement as part of a charge action, and can spend a swift action to declare one attack per round to be an automatic critical threat (if the designated attack misses, it is still used up for that round).

    Greater Rage: Greater Rage has no additional cost. It adds an additional +4 to the bonus you get to Strength and Constitution, which stacks with the normal bonus or the higher bonuses granted by certain Rage Augments. When you select Greater Rage, it applies every time you rage.

    Draugr Rage: Draugr Rage costs two additional miracle points. You count as undead for the purposes of spells and effects, and gain all normal undead immunities. You still have a Constitution score, gain bonus hitpoints for a Constitution higher than 11, and are healed by positive energy and negative energy. You can become incorporeal and change back as a swift action and any weapons you hold gain the Ghost Touch special quality.

    Spoiler: Nineteenth level Rage Augments

    True Berzerk Rage: The True Berzerk Rage costs seven additional miracle points. Your bonus to Strength is +8 instead of +4. All spells and effects, including normal hitpoint loss, wait until your rage is over before they affect you, unless you wish for them to affect you. You gain DR/bludgeoning equal to your constitution score, and nonmagical manufactured weapons shatter as soon as they touch your skin, dealing no damage. You still gain a miracle point from attacks that are completely negated by your Damage Reduction or weapons that shatter.

    Giant's Rage: The Giant's Rage costs seven additional miracle points. Your Strength bonus is +12 and your Constitution bonus is +8. You grow two size categories larger, up to size colossal. You gain the giant creature type in addition to your normal one.

    Thunderer's Rage: The thunderer's rage costs six additional miracle points. You gain a fly speed equal to twice your land speed with perfect maneuverability. Your bonuses to Strength and Constitution are six higher than they otherwise would be, stacking with either your normal rage bonus or any higher bonus from another rage augment. When you enter the rage, a burst of lightning deals 5d6 damage to every creature within 30 ft, with a reflex save for half equal to 10 + 1/2 your levels of Herald of Ragnarok + your charisma modifier. Each round after the first, every adjacent creature takes 3d6 lightning damage, including if you move past them. You may emulate spells that deal lightning or sonic damage during a Thunderer's rage, and you do so at +2 caster level.

    Weapon Enhancement (Su): At fourth level, any warhammer or spear that the Herald of Ragnarok holds in his hand gains a +1 enhancement bonus, unless it already had a higher enhancement bonnus. Every four levels, this bonus increases, and at eighth level and higher, the Herald of Ragnarok can spend a single miracle point to exchange the enhancement bonuses for special weapon qualities. Weapons which already have special qualities do not lose them and can have other qualities added to them with this ability. Changing the special qualities of a weapon is a free action. Weapons lose any special qualities gained from this ability four rounds after leaving the Herald's possession.

    Holy Weaponry I (Su): At fifth level, the Herald of Ragnarok imbues any spear or warhammer he holds with power according to his alignment. It gains the ability to overcome damage reduction of the types of any component of the Herald's alignment, e.g., if the Herald is Lawful Evil, his weapons overcome Lawful and Evil damage reduction. Herald's with a neutral component to their alignment may choose lawful or chaotic, or good or evil, but once this choice is made, it is permanent unless their alignment on that axis changes to the opposite component.

    Aligned Domain: At sixth level, the Herald of Ragnarok can emulate spells from the domains of his alignment for one miracle point per level of the spell emulated. A Chaotic Good Herald therefore gains access to the Chaos and Good domains, and neutral Heralds gain domains according to the choice they made with their Holy Weaponry Ability.

    Holy Weaponry II (Su): At ninth level, the Herald of Ragnarok's Holy Weapon ability now grants two of the special qualities Holy, Unholy, Anarchic, and Axiomatic any time he spends a miracle point to grant or change special qualities on a spear or warhammer he holds, according to his alignment or the choices he made at fifth level.

    Spear Transformation (Su): At tenth level, the Herald of Ragnarok gains the ability to transform any spear he holds into other types of spear. Any spear, shortspear, or longspear can be transformed into a spear, shortspear, or longspear as a free action, retaining all special qualities, special materials, and any enhancement bonus it had, unless it had a special quality which is incompatible with its new form, such as a shortspear with the Returning quality being transformed into a longspear, in which case it is suppressed until such time as it turns back into a compatible form.

    Call Weapons (Su): At thirteenth level, whenever the Herald of Ragnarok uses his Weapon Enhancement ability to give special qualities to a spear or warhammer, they also gain the Throwing and Returning abilities for no extra cost.

    Extra Devotion: At fourteenth level, the Herald of Ragnarok may choose another domain to gain access to when emulating spells. It must be from this list: Air, Magic, Knowledge, Protection, Travel, or Weather. He emulates spells from this domain at a cost of one miracle point per level of the spell being emulated. At seventeenth level, the Herald gains another domain, this time it can be from any domain found in the Asgardian pantheon.

    Weapons of the Gods (Su): At eighteenth level, the Herald of Ragnarok imbues any spear or warhammer he holds with the Shocking Burst and Thundering special qualities. This is in addition to any enhancements or special qualities he gives them from any other class abilities and does not have a cost.

    Godstrike: At twentieth level, the Herald of Ragnarok is equipped to carry out his ultimate reward: striking the first blow of the Final War of the Gods. The Godstrike is activated by spending a miracle point and declaring one attack per round to be a Godstrike. A Godstrike overcomes all damage reduction, hardness, and immunities, including epic and -. For the moment of the Godstrike, the Herald of Ragnarok gains a divine rank of 0 and can damage the gods themselves. Additionally, any critical threat with a Godstrike is treated as a confirmed critical, and any creature can be affected by this critical hit even if they are normally immune to them.

    Spoiler: FEATS

    Arcane Devotion

    Prerequisites: Int 13+, Miracle point pool

    Benefit: You choose a number of spells equal to 1 + your intelligence bonus from the wizard/sorcerer spell list, up to the highest level spell you are able to emulate. You may now emulate those spells at a cost of 3 miracle points per spell level.

    Special: You may choose this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose different spells.

    Extra Rage Augment

    Prerequisite: Herald of Ragnarok level 7 or higher

    Benefit: You learn another rage augment of up to the highest level rage augment
    you already know.

    Special: You may choose this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose a different rage augment to learn.

    Expanded Miracle Pool

    Miracle Point Pool

    Benefit: Your miracle point pool is enlarged by a number equal to 1.5 x your charisma bonus. Your miracle point pool grows retroactively if your charisma increases.

    Special: You may choose this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
    Last edited by sengmeng; 2014-07-31 at 04:58 PM.
    My Homebrew (Free to use, don't even bother asking. PM me if you do, though; I'd love to hear stories).

    Avatar done by me (It's Durkon redrawn as Salvador from Borderlands 2).

    Nod, get treat.