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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    QLD Australia

    Default Re: Space is a long way to Fall (Paladin Question)

    Firstly, this is an awesome idea for a campaign. I've never heard of it before but I love it. Is it your idea or someone else's? And if it's yours, can I use it at some point? It's pretty epic.

    Secondly. The Paladin acted as he should have in every way, with the knowledge he had at the time. Even the gods should recognise that fact. If he'd known the dwarves were down there when he blasted the Xill, it'd be a slightly different story. But as is, he's a good dude. Would have as crew/10
    Last edited by HockeyPokeyBard; 2014-07-12 at 04:20 AM.