Quote Originally Posted by pwykersotz View Post
That was my understanding as well. I'm glad to hear some feedback on it. My group won't get together to play the starter set until the 25th.
I think you'll really enjoy it. It really is ready to play right out of the box. I didn't notice that the starter set pregens were in pdf, but we used sheet protectors and vis-a-vis markers for record keeping. We started off with descriptions, but quickly figured out that using a vinyl map and miniatures would have been a good idea. We didn't get super far, but the wizard is out of spells now. They are a combat away from any kind of rest so we'll get to see how the at-will cantrips work for him. He's already used mage hand in some pretty interesting ways. The cleric has cured wounds on one fighter who also had to second wind when my dice got hot.