Quote Originally Posted by Lvl45DM! View Post
Im with you, I hated it when they were all "free the slaves!". Modern day morality just doesn't fit at all in this hardcore fantasy world, with its magic and swords and coffee machines.
Actually I had to read this sort of comments to understand what the point about modern politics was about. I was a bit surprised of knowing that Bandana's ex was a she, but not too much, it is in the statistics of the large number of characters in this strip. And I see very little "politics" in this, there is no reference to specific legal rights they claim, and I suspect there are very little legal rights in a pirate's relationship.

In my view this is just building up elments of a character's backstory. Now we know that Bandana is single, is gay (or bisexual), and is sympathetic with Haley. This could open several plot lines, character weakness and points of strength, possible plans to solve difficult situations.... And of course comic situations (difficult, due to the sensitivity to those themes of several people around, but still possible).

Exactly, to make some comparisons, when we knew about Julio's incredible charisma with women. Or fondness of Blackwing for baubles. Or a cat appeared on Lord Shojo lap.