Quote Originally Posted by CoreBrute23 View Post
Issac turned to see the threat was no more than just another student. Well that wasn't quite right. This student seemed a bit older than the other freshmen, despite wearing the same Black uniform. You would guess (and by guess, getting bits and pieces of all the biological readings RPM is giving you) maybe mid 20s.

"May I sit here?" His english is good, but he has a slight Chinese accent. He sits next to you, taking out a spiral note book which appears both too small for him, and has seen a lot of wear and tear. "My name is Ben Ng." He holds his hand out to shake yours.
Isaac calmed down when he saw it was just another student.
"Hi." Isaac took the offered hand and shook it amicably. "Isaac Chapel," he added, indicating himself even though it was fairly obvious who he was referring to.

"So....any idea what we do now?" RPM was still pointing out small potential conflicts flickering up around him. It didn't usually do this....or did it? This might actually be normal for it.

Isaac hoped the confusion and mild distress didn't show on his face.