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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Dec 2011

    Default Re: FAE Super Powereds-Freshman Year IC thread

    Quote Originally Posted by tyranus View Post
    "Well i think Michael has a very valid point its a great way to showcase our skills. I was wondering how i would do the same,you see im not to shabby at hand to hand myself.if you two are in fact going to do this can i join in?Even if Herb here doesn't want to im down"
    Michael grin widened. “Good man!” He slaps you on the back, nearly toppling you with his casual strength. Herb sighed.

    “Well clearly I’m surrounded by madmen.” He finally grinned. “Alright. If,” He stresses it. “We fight against each other, either one on or or some tree way, none of us will use our powers on one another.” Michael smiled and nodded.

    “This is going to be fun,” He turns to you and hesitates. “Um, sorry I don’t think we’ve be introduced properly. Sorry about that.” He stretches a hand to shake yours. “My name’s Micael Jensen* but my friends call me Matt.”

    Herb also offers his hand to shake. “Herbert Kalinowski.”
    You have a chance to introduce yourself and shake hands if you choose, before your interrupted by…

    *Issac, I made a mistake, sorry. I thought you had named your room mate Michael for some reason, rather than Matt. This is me trying to save continuity with THE POWER OF RETCONS AND CONVENIENCE! So let’s all call him Matt ok?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny of Faith View Post
    Dylan takes her hand, shaking it softly. "Dylan Ringwood, a pleasure to meet you. And I could try and do something similar, but it'd only sort of work and you wouldn't actually be invisible."

    He glances around the room again, before whispering, "So, super-hearing or something? It makes hearing my breathing slightly less creepy, unless you don't have super-hearing, and you've been stalking me invisibly. But then you wouldn't be asking me to turn you invisible." Dylan laughs nervously, "Am I overthinking this?"
    “I think we’re both guilty of thinking too hard.” She laughs, relieved at your nervousness.

    “Yeah my hearing is super, although the medical term is Enhanced Benign Hyperacusis. Usually I can ignore most sounds with focus, but when I let myself get I distracted I pick up all manner of things.”

    She seems less tense from getting all this off her chest. “So what do you do-”
    Before she can finish her question…
    Quote Originally Posted by Razorstorm View Post
    Oliver blinks at Arthur. "Not like... How do you..." then he trails off and smiles. "How did you know? Are you a Telepath, or just a super spy?"
    Arthur shakes his head. “N-no. I’m not an advanced mind. But I know what it’s like to be…”He hesitates trying to pick the right word. His hand slips on his round stomach. He catches himself, and puts his hand behind his back. You think he’s swallowing his gut in a bit.
    “I’ve been where you are.” He says quickly
    Quote Originally Posted by Razorstorm View Post
    After a momentary pause, where Arthur looks briefly uncomfortable, Oliver whispers intensely "Isn't this place awesome? Damn right we're gonna be heroes!" Oli and Arthur exchange geeky fist-bumps, facing forward. Oli shifts around in his suit, and the two of them giggle at the funny creaking noise it makes.
    Arthur is visibly relieved, giggling with glee that is in a higher pitch than his already high pitched voice.
    Your giggling however is brought to a swift conclusion when…
    Quote Originally Posted by ImNotTrevor View Post
    Isaac calmed down when he saw it was just another student.
    "Hi." Isaac took the offered hand and shook it amicably. "Isaac Chapel," he added, indicating himself even though it was fairly obvious who he was referring to.

    "So....any idea what we do now?" RPM was still pointing out small potential conflicts flickering up around him. It didn't usually do this....or did it? This might actually be normal for it.

    Isaac hoped the confusion and mild distress didn't show on his face.
    Ben shook his head. He had a pencil out ready to take notes.
    “Not sure. I think we’re waiting for" Whatever he was about to say is interrupted by…
    Quote Originally Posted by Salaya View Post
    *Rayne says out loud* "Karen right?" "Im Rayne!" Nice too meet you! *while he shakes her hand*
    She doesn’t seem to notice your outstretched hand. She is completely focussed on the brunette who just sat down near them.
    Alex winces a bit. “Ooh, cold.”
    Quote Originally Posted by NineOfSpades View Post
    Lara smirked right back at her. The girl seemed confident, which was nice. Honestly, Lara had been a bit worried that she'd breeze through the trial without to much trouble, so it was good to see there was somebody else that might be able to put up a good match. Some people might think its better to go up against a weaker opponent, so you get a quick win. Lara was of a different mind. If you really wanted to show your skills, you needed someone strong enough to go toe to toe with. "Speaking of combat trials, do we just pair off and start beating eachother, or is somebody going to signal when to start?". While on the surface, it was just a question, the subtext was clear You Think You Can Go A Few Rounds With Me? Bring it.
    Karan start straightening her collar in anticipation. Shobna quickly interrupts,

    “I think we need to wait until the Dean shows up. The rules states we can’t start fights outside of HCP classes.”

    “Isn’t this an HCP class?” Ashlee enquired curiously. Shobna grimanced.

    “Technically but um...” Whatever she was about to say is interrupted by…
    I'd like to Compel Lara's Hotshot Freshmen aspect against herself. She's deliberatly taking the challenge of another student who might very well be stronger than Lara is, rather than back down from a potential rival.
    OOC: At this point in time I'm not going to accept your compel because your current choice of action isn't resulting in anything dramatic. Right now your only egging each other in a bit, in a sort of, I'm more bad ass than you, eyebrow conversation.

    If you were going to call her out in the middle of the auditorium to fight right now, then perhaps I would accept that, because that would bring negative attention.

    However, given we've established that Lara views Karen as the only real potential for a challenge, you may, when combat ranking starts, be distracted when fighting a 'lesser opponent' cause you want to get to Karan, by compelling your hotshot freshmen. Or I might compel it. Or you could when actually fighting Karan (if you get to her of course) invoke it, because your so focused on fighting her.

    All conversations are brought to a halt when a man steps onto the stage. He is a tall man, in his 50s or 60s, with greying hair, glasses and a friendly smile. He is dressed in an unbuttoned sports jacket, and a shirt with suspenders from his black pants.

    He takes to the plinth and behind him, two others walk in. One is a tall very attractive woman with a black pixiecut, and dressed in tracksuit bottom and top. She appears to be in her 30s, but she has a body much younger women would (and probably have attempted to) kill for. She smiles cheerfully at the students.

    The second is a shorter man, barely 5ft, in a long black jacket with red embroidery down the arms in the shape of dragons. It appeared to be a cross between an Indian Sherwani and a Martial Artist’s Gi. The man has unruly but short black hair, with a seriously bad case of bed head. He looks like a surly teenager or young 20 something at best.

    The man at the plinth begins speaking.

    “Hello Freshman class. On behalf of the Hero Certificiation Programme, I have the esteemed privaledge of welcoming you to my elite academy, West Private University.” The man has an educated British accent, and spoke with confidence. “My name is Dr Roger Wellington, but I prefer if you would address me as Dean Wellington.”
    Dylan, you notice Mariah shaking slightly as she stares straight at the Dean. She appaears terrified of him.

    “At this University, we will train you to grow stronger, not just in body, power and mind, but as people. The best of the best of you will graduate with full certifications, to become the exemplars of the best mankind has to offer.” His eyes become focussed and more serious.

    “As Heroes you will be facing dangers each and every day, and innocent lives will be in your hand. I am not going to lie, the stress will be enormous. The challenges will seem insurmountable, and the pressure will appear unbearable.” He stares the students straight on, each of you feeling like he’s addressing you specifically. “That is why you are here. So after 4 years here, those who last will not break. They will be able to take it. And when people need them, when the world needs them most, those who leave with White capes will be ready.” He scans the audience before continuing.

    “Now, some of you may be used to doing things differently. Some of you might come from small towns where you’re the only Super. Where everyone knows your name.” Oliver, you see Arthur shuffle a bit nervously at that.
    “But at West Private university, all students are required to keep a secret identity.” There are some groans in the audience, Lara notices one of the groans coming from Ashlee. The Dean continues unabated. “This is an important part of the program. A Hero who cannot protect his own identity cannot be trusted to protect his team mates, and is thus a liability. A danger to all supers who might have their families threatened by disgruntled villains.” The students quieten down at this.
    “To that extent, all of you will also be attending normal classes above, and when you leave the university, you will also have a normal major. You will not be allowed to show your super abilities to anyone else, nor use your powers above ground. If you need to use your powers, make sure it is underground in HCP quarters.”

    OOC: So how do you all feel about this new information? Were you aware of this info, is it all new for you?
    Also, what did you students declare for your secret identity major? You can of course declare undecided.
    Last edited by CoreBrute23; 2014-08-19 at 06:20 AM.