Update #48: November 4th (and the next few days) - PSA

This is starting to become a pattern.

That's cute.

But it seems less cute problems are afoot.

Kei doesn't look so good.

Others noticed it too. And what happened here should be perfectly obvious.

Yup. Takeru gets it, no stranger to this unique condition.

Okay, skipping on a meal just to rest after a gaming binge is getting a bit worrying. Let's ask her what's up.

Hopefully she'll listen to Takeru's warnings.

During the evening, the two meet again. Kei seems to be doing alright. Takeru's up to spy the area for interesting hijinks.

The conversation turns to obvious topics, as it happens between two gamers.

Yeah. Surely there is nothing to worry about here, just a light warning will do.

I'm absolutely sure of it, Takeru.

So let's observe people play non-video games for a change.

An interesting offer. But knowing Takeru, he can't even fold a paper airplane without setting it on fire or something.

Ohh? Are you getting jealous that we didn't trigger your version of the current mini-arc, Meiya?

... To-do: View Meiya's version of the current mini-arc.

People aren't too worried. Kei gonna Kei after all. Instead, let's pay attention to Chizuru's inevitable victory.

Origami comes later! Don't be so needy, Mikoto.


A loud bang startles everyone. Especially Tama, who is literally quivering.

Mikoto is the culprit. She made an origami gun, which is actually able of shooting, or at least producing noise - somehow.

Also, Meiya dropped her shogi piece. From Chizuru's POV, that counts as a move.

Uh oh.

But no comedic violence happens that day. Instead, another one begins.

Ayamine has a problem.

Sleeping-in-class level of a problem.

Hey now, don't try to change the topic to the game immediately.

I take one issue with that - it's not training, it's a game. You're supposed to play it only for fun!

Except Kei doesn't know that, as Takeru told her it's a training device. I'm starting to suspect it's his fault. As usual.

Don't fuel her bad habit, you.

Uh oh. More studying? But isn't today Sunday?

... Wait, yesterday was Sunday. What kind of sick world has classes on Sunday?

Kei's off to somewhere. Well, at least it means she's not playing her vidja, right?

Ha ha, you can be a jerk sometimes, Mikoto.

As for Kei...

There she is. I like video games as much as any other person, but if your eyes hurt - you're really overdoing it.

Takeru, not helping.

Night time Takeru ponders about what monster he has unleashed on the world.

Okay, this is bad.

No, you are not.

Don't run away. Get some sleep already, dammit.

Takeru acts like he doesn't know anything.

Well, the alternative is sharing the military secret of the Game Guy with everyone... and possibly making them addicted as well.

An excellent plan. Surely even someone antisocial like Ayamine will feel compelled to come when receiving an explicit invitation, right?


The rest of the gang are really worried about her, now.


Off to the corridor Meiya goes, Takeru in tow.

Of course she noticed.

She's also sensible and smart enough to realize this is not a world-ending disaster. But something has to be done about it.

Looks like it's time for an intervention.

When did MuvLuv turn into propaganda about dangers of video game addiction?

Plastic bucket. Good for hiding, even more so than a cardboard box.

Anyway, Takeru makes a move.

You are the inattentive one.

Ow. Looks like the plan didn't work.

Being one of the two only gamers in the world must be lonely, huh.

No? What is this about then?

Now now Takeru. You're a character in an 18+ visual novel, as in something that is by default experienced alone. Unless you're reading this LP that is. Don't go around preaching the wonders of multiplayer to us now.

That's a good point though.

Turned into Chop-kun. Truly a terrifying thing to have happened.

Another day, another awakening.

Hello Kei. What are you doing in this room?


Gee, you think?

Anyway, let's take a look at the batteries.

Woah there. Newbies really are most eager but come on.

Good question. What do, Takeru? What do?

Ayamine wastes no time getting to the center of the issue.

Takeru decides to say the truth.

Well, not the whole truth.

... Wait, what was that at the end?

That's right. Kei realized what she was doing all along, and was willing to stop the moment it becomes really unhealthy.

Which makes the whole update...

Completely pointless.

Except maybe for providing a lesson in trust - your friends won't turn into game-obsessed junkies the second they get in contact with one.


They may however sleep in class and get in trouble with Sgt Marimo-chan. Just something to consider.