Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Well, I mean that your desire to explore the world of Skyland and see how it works, how it's the "remnants of an old, scarred Earth, that our heroes never knew" has a really cool feel to me.

Also there will be an update today guys don't worry
Awww, No Edge Chronicles Let's Watch.

As whatshisface is doing some work on block calculations, they are doing something about exploring how things work, it's just feelng a bit like early Attack on Titan, except we never find anything out.
The hard part of exploring a world we know is that it's hard to make it interesting for us. Mortal Engines does this well by having the historians of the post-post-apocalypse trying to work out how things were before the first end of civilisation and not doing it very well. Skyland is too newly formed for that angle to work, and neither Mahad or Lena seem the type to take an interest in ruins.

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