Quote Originally Posted by JoeG View Post
Rich didn't invent MitD. His niece / granny / room-mate made something up tongue-in-cheek and Rich liked it so much he decided to use it.

Or, the MitD emerged (templated or otherwise) from a RPG campaign Rich was aware of / participating in. It would be possible for someone to figure out the MitD... but only one of those players.

(Actually I think this quote is just Rich's usual self-reflective philosophy, musing on the fact that a fictional monster is still a fictional monster whether he created it or someone else did... hence the "fine line"... and, further, that although there is a fine line someone [ahem] pondering and philosophising over the fundamental nature of the universe and literature will figure out what that line is, rather than someone will figure out MitD.)
That sounds like the kind of fan-trolling only Andrew Hussie is capable of. So unless Rich has secretly been Andrew Hussie all along, no.