When it comes to campaign setting design, I have fun with writing stuff based on the Americas. Outside of that, I find that I just don't have the same passion and knowledge base, and worldbuilding isn't as enjoyable, so I tend to either not get much done or do shoddy work. I want a global setting where PCs can go adventure in Asian or European themed nations, but I also want stuff that's done well, so I'm working on the continents based off of American themes, while representing the rest of the world with published settings modified to fit the lore of my setting. So far, I've got the excellent Nyambe to serve as an African-inspired continent, and for Asia I'm leaning towards inserting the Tian Xia region of Golarion (though I do own Jade Oath and Rokugan...). I'd like to buy settings with continents I could use to represent Europe and the Middle East. I do not want settings that take place on Earth, I want fantasy counterpart cultures (Nyambe, Rokugan, and Golarion are good indicators of what I want). It doesn't need to fit my setting as-is, but I need to be able to modify it to add in magitech, and gods need to be removable. I am willing to buy more than one setting. I don't really want to use more of Golarion than Tian Xia (except maybe Osirion), and I am debating getting Al-Qadim. I play Pathfinder, but am willing to buy 3.E/3.5 materiel, or something non-compatible if it is really good and I don't need any of the rule content.