Quote Originally Posted by Ksheep View Post
I found it on Imgur, and a reverse image search pulls up a slightly larger and uncropped version which was posted on /tg/. Going off of that, and with a lot of further digging, I finally found what purports to be the original source: a DeviantArt user by the name PrehistoricJack. The only issue I see with this is that the initials on the image appear to be PSH, with the date 2008, while PrehistoricJack uploaded it in 2012. Add to that the fact that the other items posted on his DeviantArt page appear to be in a totally different style… yeah, I think we're back to square one with no idea who the original poster is. The Reddit thread even notes that it doesn't look like he's the original artist, but they don't offer any ideas as to the source.

EDIT: After a bit more digging (or rather, noticing something on the piece which I missed before), I found a post that has the artists name and copyright (which had been cropped out of ALL the other versions of the image). Unfortunately the website listed is currently blank, but a quick search of his name pulls up this portfolio of his work, including the T-rex.

If you're wondering how I found it, I noticed the name "Orthene" on the T-Rex's armor. Looked up "Orthene T-Rex", and I found that it was originally made for an ad for insecticide.
Thank you!!

Greatly appreciated, wish my google fu was as strong as your's.