Quote Originally Posted by angeliza View Post
No. But our DM rolled a twenty for the goblins. So anything not near that fails...so I keep getting a hard time of things. I actually think she may be doing something wrong...it IS her first time DMing. However, I'm new to D&D, so I don't know for sure.
Reading your post she is doing a lot of things wrong. She is making a lot of rookie GM mistakes and getting rules wrong. Even though a 1 is alwayse a miss on attack roles that doesn't mean you take damage and lose equipment. Even if you are houseruling that 1's cause "random crit failure bad things" to happen your sword getting stuck in the tree on a 13 is just bad DMing. There is no reason to take away your players ability to fight for mediocre roles.

She also should have went over your players abilities with them before the session. It sounds like they all went into mele and none of them knew about there spells -at all-. You should take some time to read the PHB and go over the classes with the new players so they have a better understanding of what they can do.