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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Base Class Contest XXV - Dungeon Plunge-In


    I drew it. Likeness credit to Rich Burlew.


    A Dungeoncrasher is someone who really likes to slam people into walls, floors, and perhaps even ceilings. They fight best in cramped places and excel at all things related to breaking opponents and other objects.

    Adventures: Dungeoncrashers like to kill and loot, generally. Dungeons are great places for that, and offer lots of walls and rocks and things you wouldn't like to be crashed into.

    Characteristics: Dungeoncrashers are battlefield shapers and damage dealers, with some respectable survival skills to allow them to get to the environments they thrive in.

    Alignment: Dungeoncrashers are almost always chaotic. They love brawling, beating, and bashing. Some very few are cold and calculating (while still coming to the conclusion that hurling themselves bodily at opponents is a good idea).

    Religion: Dungoncrashers favor gods of battle, earth, or luck, although they may simply follow a god of their alignment.

    Background: Dungeoncrashers typically come from the same background as fighters, but with more focus on subterranean exploration. They are a varied, savage, and random collection of people.

    Races: Half-orcs produce by far the most Dungeoncrashers, being strong, violent, and predisposed to living underground. Dwarves make excellent Dungeoncrashers as well, and humans take to the task as well as any other. It is unknown why the savage races don't produce more Dungeoncrashers; most have the necessary traits.

    Other Classes: Dungeoncrashers love to go into caves and dungeons looking for treasure. There are few they wouldn't welcome to join them on such a dangerous mission. They are often impatient, violent, short-sighted, and dubious of subtlety, but if someone accepts them, they generally repay that kindness.

    Role: The Dungeoncrasher is a front-line melee character and battlefield shaper.

    Adaptation: If you somehow don't have many dungeons in a campaign, the Dungeoncrasher could be re-fluffed as an urban brawler, with knowledge (local) instead of knowledge (dungeoneering).

    Dungeoncrashers have the following game statistics.
    Abilities: Strength is the number one most important ability of Dungeoncrashers. Constitution is second. Nothing else really matters, but Intelligence helps them use their knowledge skills more effectively.
    Alignment: Non-lawful.
    Hit Die: d12
    Starting Age: As Barbarian
    Starting Gold: As Barbarian

    Class Skills
    The Dungeoncrasher's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge(Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at First Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Dungeoncrash
    Illiteracy, Dungeoncrash 2d6
    Breaker 2d6
    Trap Sense (+1) 3d6
    Groundbreaker 3d6
    Frantic Charger(x3) 4d6
    Trap Sense (+2), Powerful Crash (x3) 4d6
    Worldbreaker 5d6
    Body Block 5d6
    Trap Sense (+3), Fling 6d6
    Stomp 6d6
    Earthquake 7d6
    Trap Sense (+4), Slam 7d6
    Directed Fling 8d6
    Bull-rush Expert 8d6
    Trap Sense (+5), Frantic Charger (x4), Bounce 9d6
    Pinball Charge 9d6
    Deadly Ground 10d6
    Trap Sense (+6), Powerful Crash (x4), Powerful Build 10d6
    Momentum 11d6
    Juggernaut Charge 12d6

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Dungeoncrasher.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Dungeoncrashers are proficient in Light Armor and all Shields including tower shields, and all simple and martial weapons.

    Illiteracy: Dungeoncrashers do not automatically know how to read and write. A Dungeoncrasher may spend 2 skill points to gain the ability to read and write all languages he is able to speak. A Dungeoncrasher who gains a level in any class that does not have the Illiteracy class feature automatically gains literacy. Any other character who gains a Dungeoncrasher level does not lose the literacy he or she already had.

    Dungeoncrash: If you bull-rush an opponent into a solid object, such as a wall, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + 2x your Strength modifier. You do not need to move with an opponent to deal this damage. Bull-rushing an opponent into another object, such as a tree, may be more difficult and require a touch attack roll (using the objects size modifier to AC), and may do more or less damage, usually either half (if soft) or double (if sharp). Bull-rushing opponents into each other gives the opponent who was not bull-rushed a chance to avoid the attack, if they make a reflex save equal or greater than your bull-rush check result. Bull-rushing a creature into another creature almost always deals half-damage; only exceptionally solid creatures, such as stone or iron golems, or an opponent wearing armor spikes, deal full normal damage when crashed into. You may deal damage to the object the creature is pushed into as well, at your option. Again, being hit with a creature normally does half-damage. Your Dungeoncrash damage goes up according to the column in the class table.

    Breaker: Starting at second level, a Dungeoncrasher ignores hardness equal to half his level, which also applies to hardness or damage reduction of constructs. Additionally, he gains a bonus to Strength checks related to objects (such as kicking in doors or bursting manacles) equal to half his Dungeoncrasher levels.

    Trap Sense: Starting at third level, a Dungeoncrasher has an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 every three Dungeoncrasher levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level). Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

    Groundbreaker: At fourth level, a Dungeoncrasher can shape the battlefield around him by attacking the ground. He never misses in this attempt, so can fully use Power Attack if he has the feat. If he successfully deals damage to the ground, one square within his reach or his own square becomes difficult terrain for all creatures other than himself.

    Frantic Charger: At fifth level, the Dungeoncrasher can move up to three times his movement as part of a charge action. At fifteenth level, he may move up to four times his movement as part of a charge action.

    Powerful Crash: At sixth level, the Dungeoncrasher adds 3x his strength modifier to his Dungeoncrash damage instead of 2x. At eighteenth level, this increases to 4x.

    Worldbreaker: At seventh level, the Dungeoncrasher's groundbreaker ability becomes Worldbreaker. As an attack, he smashes the ground at his feet, turning it and all adjacent squares into difficult terrain and knocking prone all creatures in those squares who fail a reflex save equal to 10 + half his Dungeoncrasher levels + his Strength modifier. He can still use Groundbreaker if he chooses.

    Body Block: At eighth level, the Dungeoncrasher gains a free trip attempt against any opponent he bull-rushes. If he successfully damaged that opponent with Dungeoncrash, they cannot attempt to trip him if his trip attempt fails.

    Fling: At ninth level, the Dungeoncrasher does not need to move with his opponent when bull-rushing to move them more than five feet. In addition, he can choose to send his opponent flying up, though only half the distance he would have moved them horizontally. An opponent flung up ends in the square directly in front of the Dungeoncrasher, though if he has the Shock Trooper feat (why would you not?), he can choose to also move them one square to the right or left. Hitting the ceiling deals full Dungeoncrash damage. Opponents who are flung can also be tripped as per the Body Block ability.

    Stomp: At tenth level, the Dungeoncrasher deals extra damage on all attacks against prone opponents equal to a quarter of his Dungeoncrash damage.

    Earthquake: At eleventh level, when using the Worldbreaker ability, creatures ten feet away are also knocked prone if they fail the reflex save, although it is still only the adjacent squares become difficult terrain. He can still choose to use either Groundbreaker or Worldbreaker instead.

    Slam: At twelfth level, the Dungeoncrasher may choose to activate his Groundbreaker, Worldbreaker, or Earthquake abilities any time he knocks an opponent prone, centered on whichever square they land in. This does not apply to opponents knocked prone by his Worldbreaker or Earthquake abilities.

    Directed Fling: At thirteenth level, the Dungeoncrasher can use his Fling ability in any direction, even straight behind him. If he flings an opponent up, he can drop them in any adjacent square.

    Bull-rush Expert: At fourteenth level, the Dungeoncrasher learns to optimize the distance he can push opponents. Now, instead of moving them an additional square per five points by which he wins the opposed roll, he moves them one additional square per three points by which he beats their roll.

    Bounce: At fifteenth level, the Dungeoncrasher learns to direct his flung opponents even more precisely. After dealing Dungeoncrash damage to an opponent, if it was possible to have moved that opponent farther (but said movement was interrupted by a wall or ceiling) he may cause the opponent to bounce off the wall or ceiling and land anywhere within a distance of the point of impact equal to the distance that he had left to move them. If they encounter another object, they suffer half Dungeoncrash damage, but cannot be bounced again.

    Pinball Charge: At sixteenth level, if the Dungeoncrasher charges an opponent and successfully bull-rushes them, he can immediately make another charge attack in another direction against another opponent, starting from the square he was last in after he bull-rushed the first opponent. The second charge can be used to bull-rush or as a normal attack. Either way, he takes a -5 penalty on the attack roll or the opposed roll. Only one additional charge may be made in this way.

    Deadly Ground: At seventeenth level, any terrain damaged by the Dungeoncrasher's Groundbreaker, Worldbreaker, Earthquake, or Slam abilities becomes sharp and dangerous, acting as if caltrops had been spread on it. Additionally, anyone knocked prone in any of those squares after the turn they are damaged suffers half Dungeoncrash damage (not including the strength bonus), even if it isn't the Dungeoncrasher who knocks them prone. The Dungeoncrasher can choose not to activate Deadly Ground.

    Powerful Build: At eighteenth level, the Dungeoncrasher has learned to make the most of his anatomy. He gains the Powerful Build special quality. If he already had Powerful Build, he actually grows a size category larger.

    Momentum: At nineteenth level, the Dungeoncrasher gains a +1 to opposed rolls for bull-rush attempts per five feet of movement he made in that round prior to initiating the bull-rush.

    Juggernaut Charge: At twentieth level, the Dungeoncrasher is an unstoppable force of nature. When charging, he can choose to turn any square he moves over into difficult terrain as per the Deadly ground ability or Groundbreaker ability. He may also take double or triple the penalty to his armor class when charging to gain +4 or +6 respectively to his bull-rush attempts, but not to attack rolls.

    Ascetic Brawler

    Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dungeoncrash class ability

    You are a practitioner of a rare martial arts style that heavily utilizes the environment when fighting.

    Benefit: Your Monk and Dungeoncrasher levels stack to determine the damage of your unarmed strikes and dungeoncrash damage. Additionally, if you expend a use of Stunning Fist as part of a bull-rush, you gain a +2 on the opposed roll, and if you successfully deal dungeoncrash damage to that opponent, they must save vs stunning fist with a +2 to the DC. You may also freely multi-class between Monk and Dungeoncrasher, though you still get an xp penalty for having classes more than one level apart.

    Stealthy Brawler

    You have learned (probably the hard way) that dungeon exploration is sometimes best done with stealth rather than brute force.

    Prerequisites: Sneak Attack class ability, Dungeoncrash class ability

    Benefits: Your Rogue and Dungeoncrasher levels stack to determine your damage dice for sneak attack and dungeoncrash. When you bull-rush a flatfooted opponent, you add a +2 to the opposed roll.

    Raging Brawler

    Combining the lifestyles of the Dungeoncrasher and the Barbarian is really a no-brainer.

    Prerequisites: Rage class ability, Dungeoncrash class ability.

    Benefits: Your Barbarian and Dungeoncrasher levels stack to determine your uses per day of rage and your dungeoncrash damage. If you bull-rush an opponent while raging, you add 1.5x your strength bonus to the opposed roll. You do not gain greater rage, mighty rage, or tireless rage unless you continue to level up as a barbarian.

    Devoted Brawler

    The devoted brawler is dedicated to stamping out evil in the most direct fashion.

    Prerequisites: Smite Evil class ability, Dungeoncrash class ability

    Benefits: Your Dungeoncrasher and Paladin levels stack to determine your dungeoncrash damage and your bonus damage and uses per day of smite evil. You may expend a use of Smite Evil when you bull-rush an opponent to add 2x your charisma bonus to the opposed roll, and if you successfully deal dungeoncrash damage to that opponent, you deal extra damage equal to the sum of your paladin and dungeoncrasher levels.

    Brawling Hunter

    Your time hunting subterranean monsters has led to interesting tactics against them.

    Prerequisites: Favored Enemy class feature, Dungeoncrash class ability

    Benefits: Your Ranger and Dungeoncrasher levels stack to determine the number of favored enemies you have and the bonuses against them, as well as your dungeoncrash damage. When you bull-rush a favored enemy, double the bonus you get from Favored Enemy on the opposed roll.

    Body Slam

    The floor is just a horizontal wall.

    Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Dungeoncrash class ability

    Benefits: When grappling, any time you could pin an opponent, you may body slam them instead. A body slam ends the grapple and leaves you standing and your opponent prone in an adjacent space of your choosing, and deals full dungeoncrash damage. Alternatively, you may exit the grapple in an adjacent space and slam the opponent in the space last occupied by the grapple. If you body slam the opponent into an occupied space, it counts as bull-rushing them into that object, which may change the dungeoncrash damage. You may not exit the grapple into an adjacent occupied space. If you are grappling more than one opponent, only one is forced to leave the grapple when you use body slam.

    Spiked Brawler

    Prerequisites: Proficiency in Armor Spikes, Dungeoncrash class ability

    Benefits: When you deal dungeoncrash damage to an opponent while wearing armor spikes, you automatically hit them with your armor spikes in addition to the normal dungeoncrash damage. At your option, you may designate all the damage from dungeoncrash as piercing damage. Any bonuses or extra effects from enchanted armor spikes also apply.
    Last edited by sengmeng; 2014-12-08 at 12:46 AM.