Quote Originally Posted by mrcarter11 View Post
I wasn't trying to ask if they were supported, I fully understand the color separation between them, my apologies if I worded something poorly somewhere. I just meant in general how the 3 that I lack experience with: play, handle in the current meta, still see competitive play at all... That sort of thing.

As another aside, the next set to come out is supposed to focus much more on duo color cards rather than tri, so majority of them should be at least splashable into the shard decks, shouldn't they? For instance, Mardu cards could be used in Grixis, Naya and Jund?
Currently no Grixis or Jund decks have placed consistently, though certain strategies could be implemented, if you wanted to pioneer them. Jeskai currently operates as either a Tempo/Burn, Token, or Combo deck. The most consistently placed deck is Tempo/Burn that plays to get in early damage quickly and close the game out from an opponent at 12-8 with Burn spells. Token is significantly less played and the Combo deck is generally not good. I played Jeskai at a GP this weekend, I can walk you through the decks if you want, unless this is enough for you.