Quote Originally Posted by Keldrin View Post
Thank you folks for the suggestions and advice.

@DocMaynot; Domain staff? My google-fu is weak, and I couldn't find it. It sounds very possible.

My DM is flexible, so ordering a custom item from some Mercanes we met may be possible. I was looking at Dragon and other supplemental books and sources for staffs, and making myself crazy.

I'd get a Greenstone Amulet* and call it a day, but they're minor artifacts now and have no price..... *twitch*

* or some other fun, over the top item.
Domain Staffs: Complete Champion page 143
Price: 36,000gp Each

A domain staff allows its wielder to use his own divine energy to generate magical effects. Each domain staff holds the nine spells associated with a particular cleric domain. By expending a prepared divine spell or divine spell slot, the wielder can "cast" a spell of the same level or lower from the runestaffs list, as long as that spell also appears on the wielder's divine class spell list (including his domain lists, if any). Treat the domain spell as a spell of its level in the domain, even if it appears on your spell list at a different level. The spell is treated exactly as if the wielder cast the spell himself, including caster level, save DC, and any other effects related to the spell. Each spell can be cast from a domain staff once per day.
In order to use a domain staff, you must attune yourself to it as part of your preparation or readying of divine spells. You can't attune yourself to more than one domain staff at a time; attuning yourself to a second domain staff breaks your previous attunement.
Activating a domain staff (that is, casting a spell from it) is almost exactly like casting the spell yourself, including casting time and even provoking attacks of opportunity. You must supply any components or costs normally required by the spell cast from the domain staff, just as if you had cast it yourself.
• If the spell has a verbal component, activating the domain staff requires you to perform that verbal component
(and thus the spell can't be cast if you're incapable of
If the spell has a somatic component, you don't need to have
an extra hand free; simply manipulating the staff can meet
the requirement.
• If the spell has a material component or focus, you must supply it as part of the casting. For example, if a domain staff held stoneskin, you'd have to supply 250 gp of diamond dust each time you cast that spell from the domain staff.
• If a spell has an XP component, you must pay that each time you use the domain staff to cast that spell.
• If the spell has any other prerequisite that would normally prevent you from casting it (such as an alignment or racial restriction), you must meet the prerequisite in order to cast the spell from the domain staff.
You can apply the effect of metamagic feats that you know to spells from a domain staff, but you must expend a spell whose level equals or exceeds the adjusted level of the affected spell.

For you, I perhaps recommend a Hat of Many Spells from the Animated Series Handbook.