Quote Originally Posted by Icewraith View Post
I think if you've got anything physical that might be a deal breaker for the other person, it should probably come out well before sex. When it comes to equipment, it's best if you don't surprise your partner. Cis guys who are extremely short or extremely long in a certain area are in this boat, as are people with nerve damage, medical conditions, ill-considered tattoos, birth defects, extremely strong fetishes, or even things like skin discoloration or oddly shaped birthmarks. The majority of trans people do end up in this category, but having to disclose some physical complications that may result in a potential partner withdrawing consent isn't limited to trans people.
I think that's well put. I'd agree with this. I also like that it's a broader thing. If you're unusual in a way that could be a physical issue and the other person wouldn't even know to ask, it does seem fair to share it before anything gets too serious.

Quote Originally Posted by Lycunadari View Post
I've read a good rebuttal of that one on tumblr - basically, it's simply wrong.
Well, that's what I was going to say, so well done everyone tackling all the hard topics. I'd also note that it's nearly impossible to separate out the differences in who goes to which jobs from social gender stereotyping. You can't make a statement like "women simply aren't as interested in being sewer workers as men" because that's likely to come from the fact that parents discourage their daughters from doing anything that gets them dirty while encouraging their sons to play freely outside. I honestly have no idea what the world would look like if all of a sudden every gender stereotype that was enforced from birth were to disappear. It would be interesting.