Quote Originally Posted by Extra Anchovies View Post
Wait... I just realized that to get the benefit of an ability for a set number of rounds, you have to pay the cost of that ability times the number of rounds you want it to last for (I somehow skipped your example of +15 ft speed for five rounds costing 30 points). All of my feedback was under the assumption that they only needed to pay once and set the duration however they wanted, with the penalty lasting twice as long as the Surge if the Surge was set to more than one round in duration (e.g. +15 ft speed for one rounds costs six points and has a one-round penalty, +15 ft to speed for five rounds costs six points and has a ten-round penalty). I was interpreting their Adrenaline Pool as something meant to last all day, with the recharge being mostly fluff (getting less tired). This makes recharge a lot more relevant, and makes a good chunk of what I said about the class (e.g. points/round limit) kinda obsolete. Sorry
Eh, I should probably make that bigger.

Yup. Hence my mention of Diviners
Herpaderp on my part this time

I'm not sure about that. It's sort of odd how the early levels are SURGE SURGE SURGE and the later levels are occupied by energy-attack stuff. Feels sorta like that stuff 4e did with levels 11+ That's actually something I really like about 4e (you've reached your peak as a fighter, time to start on the unique supernatural stuff), but a bit more integration between the low and high levels would be good (hence my suggestion of placing Surges at 1/2/5/8/11/14/17). AoE damage would be great, but I'm not sure how to implement it.
That actually kind of is what I was going for. Level 11 marked when you started going beyond what normal people could do in a fundamental way.

I don't actually like the 19th-level ability. There's... not much, to say the least, that a martial character can do during a Time Stop, because you can't attack people. It's only really useful for running away (which, at 19th level, will not happen; you'll either be winning by enough that you don't need to run, or you're being so badly curbstomped that running isn't an option).
And there goes me forgetting how Time Stop worked. I meant them to be able to attack. Basically, this