Quote Originally Posted by 2.5 cats View Post
Here you go! Read at your own risk--major spoilers for bonus comic #864a!


The party found Tarquin's axe. Other members of the OotS picked it up, but found it very painful, and concluded that it was an evil weapon that would hurt any non-evil people who picked it up. So Haley asked Belkar to pick it up. Belkar did, and was immediately (spiral eyes) dominated. In a different (red colored) voice box dominated-Belkar announced "I am SOUL MUNCHER! Too long have I been forced into service by that strong-willed bastard { = Tarquin }. Now that I have found a suitable vessel to manipulate { = Belkar } I will be UNSTOPPABLE!"

At which point Roy said, "Yeah, no." and grabbed the axe away from Belkar before Belkar could react. Haley opened up a pit trip and Roy tossed the axe down there. We see the axe, all alone at the bottom of the pit (and sad about it) as the trap doors close and the party moves on.

Given that we never were shown the Linear Guild finding it (and the OotS chucked it down the pit in the explicit hope that it wouldn't be found) Soul Muncher presumably was still inside the Pyramid when it exploded in strip 899. Was it destroyed in the explosion? Did it survive under the sand? Was it unmade by the Snarl? Your guess is as good as mine...
Ah, so that's what happened to it. Lots of forumites had asked about that, good to know they will have an answer.