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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Erfworld thread IV: In memory of King Saline

    Quote Originally Posted by Radar View Post
    I think I might have a theory on why Erfworlders are very unlikely to ever pursue knowledge and propose any innovations: unlike us, they pop as adults with all necessary knowledge for their position and function. They never need to learn in order to live and fulfill their purpose. We on the other hand spend many years learning everything: walking, talking, counting, reasoning and so on and so forth. We need to have curiosity as one of our base instincts, whereas Erforlders don't. We also develop learning skills by training and after years of using them, learning and researching things can easily become a habit.

    I think we found ourselves a world, where medieval stasis would be plausible.
    The exception to that paradigm would seem to be casters, who do develop new powers as they level as well as a better understanding of how their magic domain works and the part that it plays in the mechanics of the world. Certain rulers or warlords or whatever such as Crush who happen to be interested in reading about far-flung or long-dead sides and how they might have stumbled upon some obscure mechanic or tricky loophole or other might also develop that measure of curiosity. For that matter, there might just be something unusual about Crush in the first place that gave him the curiosity to interest him in reading as much as he did. Perhaps "curiosity" is some sort of invisible special?
    Last edited by EnragedFilia; 2015-02-03 at 01:50 PM.