Quote Originally Posted by Devmaar View Post
Tidying the walk-in freezer would be less unpleasant if it wasn't so cold
I dunno, I've never really minded going back and doing stuff in the freezer, although I guess I never really spent a lot of time in there - certainly no more than a minute or two. They do keep a bunch of coats by the entrance, though, presumably for people who have to do exactly that.

Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
That's almost the feeling I had too. Except insert Pokemon instead of Tolkien here. Only have a few books and his aren't in the collection.

I'd be surprised if it weren't cold. But I get what you mean. While working at a restaurant I typically hated doing anything working with the freezer. Though I eventually warmed up to the idea. I'm horrible.
You could probably talk all day about pokemon with Choff.
And we could all argue about Tolkien!


Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
In other news, why can't sleeping work normal? I mean, I spend a few days staying up til 5 am with a friend and next thing you know my body can't decide when sleeping is okay or not. Glad I got at least one fairly normal night of sleeping, so today I can actually do things.

Also my cooking ability continues to slowly grow! I am great at making pastas of various sorts now (including stuff not just from a box!) and I got some little creative ideas to try next month. And I made cornbread for the first time and nothing burned, which I see as great for someone who has basically no baking experience.
You've upset your Circadian rhythm, and now everything's messed up! Congratulations, you're where I was all of last semester!
No, but seriously, I know it sucks. Normally exercise and travel is what got me back on a reasonable schedule. You're welcome to try and stay up all night or go to bed early, but those tend to have limited effectiveness, from my experience.

Cool! What sort of stuff are you cooking (aside from pasta, anyway)? And what about these creative ideas? I so rarely make anything special at home (pasta and meat being about the limit of my personal cooking, when I even bother), so it's cool to hear about what other people make.

Quote Originally Posted by Haluesen View Post
...which might be why I rarely make puzzles in D&D. I have so little puzzle designing skill.
I find puzzles in D&D (and indeed, TTRPGs in general) work better when 1) they're not essential to anything, and just give extra help if the players figure it out, or 2) are grand in scale, encompassing entire plot elements (think a mystery more than a traditional puzzle). I prefer large mysteries myself.
Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
Maybe if we get Taet to give extra tea to anybody who joins in ... I think we're on to something here.
I'm not much of a tea person myself, but you feel free to auction off each others' tea for my amusement.

Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
Mind if I sig that? That's one of the funniest things I've heard in my time on this forum. Regarding flight delays though, our flight got canceled, so we're leaving today (in an hour, actually) instead of yesterday. I've really enjoyed the suffering in sunny Florida, though.
Sig away, good sir! It's been forever since anyone sig-quoted me (or the reverse, for that matter).

Well, at least you heard about it beforehand and not, say, after you boarded the plane.

I enjoy Florida during the winter. The rest of the year can stay the hell away, though.

Well, then. I mean, I can see how one comes up with a competition like that, but that's a bit extreme.

Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
It really makes it easier for me to play. Not because it's easier to download an emulator for ... I totally have a DS and the ability to get a copy from my local game store...
Sadly the next game in the series is for the 3DS, of which there is no current working emulator for. Honestly, it's tempting to buy a 3DS just for the next game, but I don't have that kind of cash to just drop on a console at the moment (or, well, I do, but it's best spent elsewhere, like rent, books, and food).

Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
Most of my teachers are authoritarian, no-nonsense types who hate fun. The ones that do make jokes never make puns, sadly enough.
Make the jokes to your friends, not the teacher. Or are you actually paying attention in class?
'cause what we did was sit in the back and crack jokes the whole time.

Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
Real talk, though -- Smashville is a much better neutral stage than FD. Projectile-based characters are still good on that stage but the platform allows for non-projectile characters to avoid them somewhat.

I love items (when not playing competitively). You've never played Smash until you've played a Pokeball on high match on Pokemon Stadium. I really dislike most of Smash 4's items though. I prefer Brawl's.
Generally agreed, though I prefer Battlefield as far as competitive stages go. It's a classic.
My favorite stage is the Kalos Pokemon League. All sorts of cool stuff in that one.

A pokemon battle game is fun, but what's even better is all bombs and containers, items on high. A Michael Bay match, if you will.

Eh, some of the items are pretty cool. Some of them are pretty cheap (looking at you, bag of air), but in general they're not much better or worse.

Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post
It's funny -- I thought that I was the only person in my school who liked D&D, and then it turned out that there's a whole group of D&D players who love to play.

Too bad that during lunch periods, they don't play actual D&D, just crappy FFRP, and that when they do have after-school sessions, they talk about inviting me but never actually do so.
Sweet! As for those after-school sessions, ask 'em about it - they probably just forget when it would actually be appropriate to formally invite you. Goodness knows I forget about important things like that all the time.

Never been a huge fan of freeform, myself. I like having concrete rules.

Quote Originally Posted by jhunter_d View Post

I'm hesitant to get one, fearing that I'll be constantly thrown off when reading things. Also, I don't think I'm witty to come up with any good conversions.

IOON: After playtesting my game, it's buggy as hell. Any fighting game where you can't move ever again after you're attacked is a bad fighting game.
ONE OF US! You're getting the hang of it!

Eh, I just stuff mine with a few in-jokes, and a bit of this and that to keep it interesting. I've got one or two that drastically change everything (just for ****s and giggles), but those generally make everything completely illegible.

Bugs! Making a fighting game, eh? That's pretty cool! What environment/language are you working in?

And speaking of writing games, I've been looking into the SDL library in my spare time. I figure when I get some things together I'll grab a group of people and actually make something.