This is a response to Legato only, as as far as I can tell Zack and Pizza have already violated the rules and I feel that further engaging them at this time would be bad for everyone.

The game I'm offering to run involves a lot of work on my part. As such, I don't feel like I should have to resort to PMing people when other games don't have to do so. And they shouldn't be expected to have to either. The narrator is doing the players a favor by running a game, not the other way around. If you'll only play games when people personally ask you to, well that's not a very healthy attitude imo.

As for your particular case, that would have involved me being able to read your mind in order to figure that out as far as I can tell.

Also there's the concern that for the game I'll be running, I need people who are truly interested and will be active. People who join just because they were asked but aren't interested enough to join up just because they thought it would be fun are more likely to autolynch and with the setup I'm doing, that would be potentially more harmful than them just not signing up to begin with.

So perhaps I could get more bodies to fill up space doing something I've already said repeatedly that I don't want to do, but that would be just as likely to detract from the fun of the game. Which violates the entire point as it' supposed to be a fun game for actively engaged people to roleplay in.