Army vs Army. We were a unit holding a hill with a healing circle on it. Party of 5 (Sorc, Hexblade, Bard, Swift Hunter, Fighter, all level 7) with an NPC Fighter (a sergeant) backing us up. We fought about 30 enemies in that encounter alone.

Then we got sent to flank the enemy. Our fighter wasn't able to make the session, so he stayed back to defend the hill. The sorc enlarged the Hexblade and the NPC fighter, and handed off some of our secret weapons to the Swift Hunter: Sculpted Explosive Runes Arrows (we had a reading where if the rune was destroyed it exploded. Write it on an arrow, arrow breaks on hit, rune go boom). So the Swift Hunter wins initiative, on top of a surprise round, and drops 4 of the arrows into a massive crowd of mooks. Dropped almost a hundred enemies before they got a turn. I started my Bard song (Song of the Heart+Badge of Valor+Inspirational Boost+Against All Odds [modified Words of Creation that requires GM approval to use]) for +10 to hit and damage. Then the sergeant charges up and proceeds to Great Cleave through ten men (The GM rolled 6 crits in front of us, on my dice). The Hexblade runs up and applies both his Dark Companion and Dreadful Wrath frightful presence.
The sorcerer didn't even bother acting, he just leaned back and grinned (in and out of character)

Now the enemies gets their first turn. Immediate and complete rout. We turned the battle in a single turn.