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Thread: [3.x/PF] GitP Regulars as Spells!

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Andion Isurand's Avatar

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    Dec 2007
    Tintageer Terrace

    Default Re: [3.x/PF] GitP Regulars as Spells!

    A spellcaster with the Scion of the Swarm feat, can summon “zerglings” using a summon monster III spell.

    Spoiler: Zergling Build Process
    For each individual zergling, use the stats of a typical Serval (Sa 194) with 3 racial Hit Dice, along with the Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus [Dorsal Claws] feats. Then apply the Magebred template (ECS 295) to each individual zergling as you see fit, along with the following.

    Type: The creature’s type changes to Aberration (augmented Animal, Zerg) without any statistical recalculation.
    Senses: In addition to its existing senses, the creature gains Darkvision out to 300 feet, Tremorsense out to 20 feet and Superior Low-Light Vision.
    hp: Zerglings gain Damage Reduction 1/- and Fast Healing 1.
    Resist: Same as base creature, plus resistance to acid 10, cold 15, desiccation 15, electricity 10 and fire 5.
    Immune: Same as base creature in addition to altitude fatigue, altitude sickness, disease, intelligence damage, intelligence drain, nausea, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and damage caused by high pressure or a lack thereof.
    Speed: Same as the base creature, plus a burrow speed of 10 feet and a swim speed of 20 feet.
    Melee: Remove all natural weapons from the base creature and add the following.

    • 2 primary dorsal claw attacks each dealing 1d6 unmodified base damage.
    • 2 secondary foreclaw attacks each dealing 1d3 unmodified base damage.
    • A secondary bite attack dealing 1d4 unmodified base damage.

    Special Attacks: Same as the base creature, except that each Rake attack now equates to an additional foreclaw attack. In addition, add the following.

    • Reaving Strikes (Ex): The natural weapons of zerg overcome all forms of damage reduction based on a metallic material. When attacking an object or structure with a natural weapon, zerg may apply a -5 penalty to the attack roll before it is made. If the attack succeeds, the damage dealt to the target ignores its hardness.
    • Corrosive Saliva (Ex): Zerglings deal 1 additional point of acid damage when making a successful bite attack.

    Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Int 3, Cha +4.
    Special Qualities: Same as the base creature plus the following.

    • Amphibious (Ex): Zerg breathe both air and water equally well.
    • Hold Breath (Ex): A zerg can usually hold its breath for a number of hours equal to four times its Constitution score, after which it must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous success) to avoid suffocation.
    • Pack Attack (Ex): Two allied zerg of Small size with this ability, can occupy the same 5-foot square at no penalty, even during combat.
    • Wakefulness (Ex): Zerg do not sleep.
    • Zerg Biology (Ex): All zerg gain Blind-Fight, Diehard, Endurance, Mind Over Body (XPH 48), Rapid Metabolism (XPH 50), Run, Steadfast Determination (PH2 83), Swarm’s Embrace (Sh 158) and Tireless (PGtF 46) as racial bonus feats.
    • Zerg Metabolism (Ex): A zerg can usually go without food for a number of days equal to its Constitution score + 3, after which it must make Constitution checks as normal to avoid starvation. A zerg can usually go without water for 2 days plus a number of hours equal to eight times its constitution score, after which it must make Constitution checks as normal to avoid dehydration.

    Feats: Same as the base creature, plus Clever Wrestling (Sto 92), Close-Quarters Fighting (CW 97), Combat Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Track, Tunnel Fighting (RS 145) and Tunnelrunner (Und 27) as racial bonus feats.
    Skills: Same as the base creature, plus a +4 racial bonus to Balance, Climb and Escape Artist checks and a +8 racial bonus to Listen, Spot and Swim checks. The creature can take a 10 on any Swim check, even when distracted or threatened. It may use the run action when swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

    Spoiler: Zergling Stat Block
    Usually N Small Aberration (augmented Animal, Zerg)
    Init +4 (+4 Dex); Senses Darkvision 300 ft., Tremorsense 20 ft., Superior Low-Light Vision, Scent; Listen +9, Spot +9

    AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+1 Size, +4 Dex, +3 natural)
    hp 19 (3d8+6); Fast Healing 1; DR 1/-
    Immune altitude fatigue, altitude sickness, disease, intelligence damage, intelligence drain, nausea, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, damage caused by high pressure or a lack thereof
    Resist acid 10, cold 15, desiccation 15, electricity 10, fire 5
    Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3

    Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft., burrow 10 ft.; Run
    Melee 2 dorsal claws +8 (1d6+2) and 2 foreclaws +2 (1d3+1) and bite +2 (1d4+1 plus 1 acid)
    Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (Long)
    Base Atk +2; Grp +0
    Atk Options improved grab, pounce, Power Attack, rake, reaving strikes, Weapon Finesse
    Special Actions Track

    Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 11
    SA corrosive saliva, improved grab, pounce, rake, reaving strikes
    SQ amphibious, hold breath, pack attack, wakefulness, zerg aptitude, zerg biology, zerg breeding, zerg metabolism, zerg talent
    Feats Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus [Dorsal Claws]
    Racial Feats Blind-Fight, Clever Wrestling (Sto 92), Diehard, Endurance, Close-Quarters Fighting (CW 97), Combat Reflexes, Mind Over Body (XPH 48), Mobility, Power Attack, Rapid Metabolism (XPH 50), Run, Steadfast Determination (PH2 83), Swarm’s Embrace (Sh 158), Tireless (PGtF 46), Track, Tunnel Fighting (RS 145), Tunnelrunner (Und 27)
    Skills Balance +13*, Climb +6, Escape Artist +8, Hide +12**, Jump +12, Listen +9, Move Silently +8, Spot +9, Swim +10, Tumble +5

    Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, a zergling must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake.
    Pounce (Ex) If a zergling charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.
    Rake (Ex) Attack bonus +2 melee, damage 1d3+1.
    Reaving Strikes (Ex) The natural weapons of zerg overcome all forms of damage reduction based on a metallic material. When attacking an object or structure with a natural weapon, zerg may apply a -5 penalty to the attack roll before it is made. If the attack succeeds, the damage dealt to the target ignores its hardness.
    Corrosive Saliva (Ex) Zerglings deal 1 additional point of acid damage when making a successful bite attack.
    Amphibious (Ex) Zerg breathe both air and water equally well.
    Hold Breath (Ex) A zerg can usually hold its breath for a number of hours equal to four times its Constitution score, after which it must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous success) to avoid suffocation.
    Pack Attack (Ex) Two allied zerg of Small size with this ability, can occupy the same 5-foot square at no penalty, even during combat.
    Wakefulness (Ex) Zerg do not sleep.
    Zerg Aptitude (Ex) One of a zerg’s physical ability scores increases by 2.
    Zerg Biology (Ex) All zerg gain Blind-Fight, Diehard, Endurance, Mind Over Body (XPH 48), Rapid Metabolism (XPH 50), Run, Steadfast Determination (PH2 83), Swarm’s Embrace (Sh 158) and Tireless (PGtF 46) as racial bonus feats.
    Zerg Breeding (Ex) Each zerg gains one of the following additional special qualities:
    Swift Breed: One of the creature’s modes of movement increases its speed by 10 feet.
    Thick-Skinned Breed: The creature’s natural armor bonus to AC improves by an additional 2.
    Tracking Breed: The creature gains a +4 bonus on Survival checks made to follow tracks.
    Zerg Metabolism (Ex) A zerg can usually go without food for a number of days equal to its Constitution score + 3, after which it must make Constitution checks as normal to avoid starvation. A zerg can usually go without water for 2 days plus a number of hours equal to eight times its constitution score, after which it must make Constitution checks as normal to avoid dehydration.
    Zerg Talent (Ex) Each zerg gains one of the following feats as a racial bonus feat: Alertness, Athletic, Improved Natural Attack (MM 304) or Multiattack.
    Skills Zerglings have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Jump, Listen, Spot and Swim checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Jump checks. *A zergling with 5 ranks in Balance does not lose its Dex bonus (if any) to AC while balancing. **In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the racial Hide bonus increases to +8. A zergling can take a 10 on any Swim check, even when distracted or threatened. It may use the run action when swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
    Last edited by Andion Isurand; 2015-03-24 at 07:25 PM.