Quote Originally Posted by endur View Post
I think having a rule against pvp is important, whether alignment or some other system is used
I tend to agree, but I don't see how alignment is a rule against pvp. Alignment differences often bring about pvp. It can happen even if there's a rule requiring compatible alignments (and if anyone is aligned the same way anyway, what's really the point?).

Maybe what we need is an understanding of what people think alignment is. endur sees it as preventing pvp situations. Others see it as a restriction and find it unpleasant. Still others see it as a restriction and find that pleasant. I know some people see it as a useful guideline. I think some people see it as a form of balance and (like those who see it as anti-pvp) as a way to make sure players don't mess up the story the GM is trying to tell. "They're all lawful good, so none of them will try to kill my NPCs...."