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    Titan in the Playground
    Kane0's Avatar

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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Famous Last Words: I Couldn't Find Any Precursors

    "I cast Detect Thoughts"
    In front of the chieftain, not even subtly

    "I slide down the banister"
    Then failed to hang on, falling three storeys

    "He's talking too much, I attack."
    Teleported into swamp full of hungry crocodiles

    "He's talking in a language I don't understand, must be a spell. I attack."
    Was actually being insulted in draconic, the spell came as a response

    "It knows too much"
    Awakened animals now understand you, and respond accordingly

    "I grab the Sigil from the queen's belt"
    While she was wearing it. In the middle of her court.

    "There isn't a cell in the world that can hold me"
    He was then deprived of his thieves tools

    "My only regret is that I made more friends than enemies"
    The other way around would have been worse for him

    "I'm hiding, they can't hit me"
    Didnt count on splash thrown weapons

    "Death from above"
    Missed the stab, faceplanted floor from 45'

    "I poison the dwarf's ale"
    Dwarves are resistant to poison

    "I murder the dwarf's wife and frame him for it"
    Didnt know dwarven

    "Its a magic weapon, we have to try"
    Was caught trying to steal it
    Last edited by Kane0; 2015-02-26 at 07:44 AM.
    Roll for it
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