One from me personally. "Yeah, stepping into the giant Hobgoblin's range seems like an excellent idea."

One that was also me, but I didn't die. "I jump onto the dragon." (Followed by: *makes acrobatics check* "The Dragon takes off." "Make a grapple check please." *fails horribly* "The dragon does a barrel roll, and you couldn't maintain your grip. You fall off." )

"It's just a fish with tentacles. What's the worst it can do?"

Me OOC after missing a perception check due to being asleep on guard. "Guys? You're not mad right?"

Me again: "I poke the Sylph"

My characters tend to be mildly lacking in common sense apparently. I guess that's just me. For some reason I've survived pretty much all of these except for the aboleth, which hasn't happened yet.