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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
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    Default Re: Peebles' Perfectly Pointless Popular Prattle - Random Banter #211

    Quote Originally Posted by AtlanteanTroll View Post
    Yeah, I'm impressed with him. Evidently some animation classes have been showing it to students. Which is so cool, IMO.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Okay, I really shouldn't, but I can't quite supress my computer geekery right now, so let's do an RGB analysis of the dress.

    Averaging over the mid-shaded patch on the dark field on the top of the dress, I get the RGB values 0x54, 0x45 and 0x2A, which is this colour:


    Doing the same over the middle of the shoulder-arm-flap-thingy gives me 0x7D, 0x85 and 0xA0:


    So, taken out of context, that's neither black, gold, blue nor white. That's brown and... blueberry milk? No wonder people se different things...
    That's what I saw, but you must consider the lighting conditions. In the background, you can see the color of the light, so I *think* you should subtract that color from the pixel values to get the true color of the dress? I dunno, I'm probably wrong, but it's worth a shot.

    EDIT: So, I took the pixel value of part of the background (the less-white part, because the white part is #FFFFFD), and I got this color value:

    According to Wolfram Alpha, using my method yields the blue part of the dress's real color as ... black. That's not right. Playing around with the curves a bit, though, yields this:
    Last edited by Solse; 2015-03-01 at 11:10 AM.