Dress, dress, dress dress dress. Dress.


This dress bores me.


People who queue jump.
Even worse: people who start a queue in the wrong place on the wrong side of the shop and queue jump in doing so.
Brits will truly understand. Hell, I've seen several cultural/etiquette sites with sections about England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland/the UK and without exception every single one of them says something along the lines of "Don't queue jump. They will disapprove."
There's differing opinions about hands being in your lap/resting on the table during meals (hands should always be in sight, but elbows off the table, please); what to wear; what to say; how/when to shake hands; slang; bringing gifts to dinner hosts and all sorts of things like that.
But universally: don't jump queues.

I've seen people try, the expressions do not change, but you can feel irritation and disapproval radiate from everyone.

How prevalent is the dislike of queue jumping in other countries, and to what intensity?