Kitsune are said to be favoured by fate. But perhaps not all of them...

Quote Originally Posted by Takenaka Kenshin

Takenaka Kenshin
Fox Hengeyokai, CN, Shaman 5/ Divine Oracle 2 / Sacred Fist 3/ Sibyl of the Blinded Eye 10


Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Reason
8 16 8 14 14 16 32-point buy
8 16 8 14 15 16 4th
8 16 8 14 16 16 8th
8 16 8 14 17 16 12th
8 16 8 14 18 16 16th
8 16 8 14 19 16 20th


Level Class BAB Fort Ref Will Skills Feats Features
1 Shaman +0 + 0 + 0 + 2 Concentration (Con) 4, Heal (Wis) 4, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 4, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 4, Spellcraft (Int) 4 Skill Focus (Knowledge (Religion)), Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed Strike, Animal Companion, Knowledge Domain, Guardian Domain
2 Shaman +1 + 0 + 0 + 3 Concentration (Con) 5, Heal (Wis) 5, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 5, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 5, Spellcraft (Int) 5 - Spirit Sight
3 Shaman +2 + 1 + 1 + 3 Concentration (Con) 6, Heal (Wis) 6, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 6, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 6, Spellcraft (Int) 6 Intuitive Strike Turn Undead
4 Shaman +3 + 1 + 1 + 4 Concentration (Con) 7, Heal (Wis) 7, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 7, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 7, Spellcraft (Int) 7 Stunning Fist -
5 Shaman +3 + 1 + 1 + 4 Concentration (Con) 8, Heal (Wis) 8, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 8, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Spellcraft (Int) 8 - Spirit's Favor
6 Divine Oracle +3 + 1 + 1 + 6 Concentration (Con) 9, Heal (Wis) 8, Intimidate (Cha) 1, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 9, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Spellcraft (Int) 9 Combat Reflexes Oracle Domain, Scry Bonus
7 Divine Oracle +4 + 1 + 1 + 7 Concentration (Con) 10, Heal (Wis) 8, Intimidate (Cha) 2, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Spellcraft (Int) 10 - Prescient Sense, Trap Sense +1
8 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +4 + 1 + 1 + 9 Concentration (Con) 11, Heal (Wis) 8, Intimidate (Cha) 3, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 1, Spellcraft (Int) 11 - Maddening Knowledge, Mirror of Misfortune, Unbidden Sight
9 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +5 + 1 + 1 + 10 Concentration (Con) 12, Heal (Wis) 8, Intimidate (Cha) 4, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 2, Spellcraft (Int) 12 Combat Casting Visions Held Back
10 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +5 + 2 + 2 + 10 Concentration (Con) 13, Heal (Wis) 8, Intimidate (Cha) 5, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 3, Spellcraft (Int) 13 - Gates of the Mind
11 Sacred Fist +6/+1 + 4 + 4 + 10 Concentration (Con) 14, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 6, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 3, Spellcraft (Int) 14 - Unarmed Strike, AC Bonus
12 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +7/+2 + 4 + 4 + 11 Concentration (Con) 15, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 7, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 4, Spellcraft (Int) 15 Freezing the Lifeblood -
13 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +7/+2 + 4 + 4 + 11 Concentration (Con) 16, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 8, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 5, Spellcraft (Int) 16 - None Escape Time
14 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +8/+3 + 5 + 5 + 12 Concentration (Con) 17, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 9, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 6, Spellcraft (Int) 17 - Haunting Torment
15 Sacred Fist +9/+4 + 6 + 6 + 12 Concentration (Con) 18, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 11, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 6, Spellcraft (Int) 18 Superior Unarmed Strike -
16 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +9/+4 + 6 + 6 + 12 Concentration (Con) 19, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 12, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 7, Spellcraft (Int) 19 - Mirror of Misery
17 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +10/+5 + 6 + 6 + 13 Concentration (Con) 20, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 13, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 8, Spellcraft (Int) 20 - Forgotten Futures
18 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +10/+5 + 7 + 7 + 13 Concentration (Con) 21, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 14, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 9, Spellcraft (Int) 21 Improved Natural Attack Gates of the Soul
19 Sacred Fist +11/+6/+1 + 7 + 7 + 14 Concentration (Con) 22, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 16, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 9, Spellcraft (Int) 22 - +10ft Movement
20 Sybil of the Blinded Eye +12/+7/+2 + 7 + 7 + 15 Concentration (Con) 23, Heal (Wis) 10, Intimidate (Cha) 17, Knowledge (religion) (Int) 10, Knowledge (spirits) (Int) 8, Sense Motive (Wis) 10, Spellcraft (Int) 23 - Mirror of Fate

The young fox sat in the gutter, his alms bowl before him, muttering incoherently. Dark prophecies seemed to fall from his lips, his own ears oblivious to them. A hachimaki was tied over his eyes. Two characters appeared on it 幻 罰, Vision, Punshisment. A daishō was strapped across his back. Where his clothes were worn, and his fur matted, the daishō seemed to be obssesively maintained. Still it derived him nothing but scorn from those of noble blood who passed him by. Still none wanted to come close. He had an ill air about him, and it pushed others away. A handful of cheap coins found there way into his bowl occasionally, but the generous souls didn't linger long.

Amidst his ramblings, a few phrases seemed to make sense, and those who lingered could hear his tale.

“Allied with Spirits.... Cursed with vision... Failed to save him.... Brother dead... Self punished.... Could not stop it.... Tore out eyes.... Seeking vengeance.... Find the traitor... Make them suffer....”


[tr][td] Item
Source Page
Hengeyokai Oriental Adventures 10
Shaman Oriental Adventures 22
Divine Oracle Complete Divine 34
Sacred Fist Complete Divine 59
Intuitive Strike Book of Exalted Deeds 44
Freezing the Lifeblood Oriental Adventures 62
Improved Natural Attack Monster Manual 304


Spoiler: Entry

Shaman provides us with Domain access, and also has a few nice defensive capabilities. Most notably Spirit's Favor which allows us to augment our less than stellar Fort and Reflex saves. Divine Oracle melds in with the Sibyl fluff of a former seer, and grants us a significantly improved version of Evasion at second level. All feats taken at this point are for the qualification of later classes.

Spoiler: Lvl 20

At level 20 we have a build with a decent unarmed attack Thanks to the Sacred Fist giving us the Monk unarmed strike ability. This is readily augmented by our full selection of divine spells. We lose three caster levels from Sibyl, but still achieve the capability to cast 9th level spells. Combined with the abilities of the Sibyl, we should be able to hold our own on the battlefield, and still assist our allies.