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    Default Re: Edge's Excessive Race Revisions Compendium

    Planetouched Races

    Aasimar Racial Traits
    • +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: An aasimar's celestial heritage grants innate insight and magnetism.
    • Medium size.
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Legacy of the Upper Planes: An aasimar's very soul is aflame with divine power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one. Each point of essentia invested in one of an aasimar's racial essentia receptacles also grants her 1 point of energy resistance against acid, cold and electricity.
    • Zeal of the Archon (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the aasimar's level. As long as the aasimar has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Strength and a +1d4 divine damage bonus on weapon damage rolls against evil creatures. Each point of essentia invested in this ability increases the bonus divine damage by 1d4.
    • Illumination of the Deva (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the aasimar's level. As long as the aasimar has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence, and emits light as per a sunrod. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use daylight as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Fervour of the Eladrin (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the aasimar's level. As long as the aasimar has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Charisma by 2 and increases the save DCs of her spells and spell-like abilities for evil creatures by 1. Every two points of essentia invested in this ability increases the save DC bonus by 1.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan.
    • Favoured Class: Cleric, Crusader or Paladin.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: A chaond inherits the agility and fortitude of their slaad ancestor.
    • Medium size.
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft.
    • Boundless Potential of Limbo: A chaond's soul is filled with the vast power of unlimited potential. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one. Each point of essentia invested in one of a chaond's racial essentia receptacles also grants her 1 point of energy resistance against acid, cold and sonic.
    • Barbarity of the Blue (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the chaond's level. As long as the chaond has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Strength and two natural claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases the size of the claws' damage die by one step.
    • Gift of the Green (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the chaond's level. As long as the chaond has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Charisma. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use enlarged shatter as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Genius of the Grey (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the chaond's level. As long as the chaond has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Charisma. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use chaotic bolt as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. Chaotic bolt is identical to lightning bolt, except that the type of damage it deals is randomly determined on usage by rolling 1d6. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
      d6 Result Damage Type
      1 Acid
      2 Cold
      3 Electricity
      4 Fire
      5 Sonic
      6 Force
    • Rapidity of the Red (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the chaond's level. As long as the chaond has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity, and a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist and Tumble checks. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases the racial bonus to Escape Artist and Tumble by 2.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Slaad. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Auran, Aquan, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran.
    • Favoured Class: Barbarian, Bard, Sorcerer
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    • + 2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma: A fey'ri's blending of elven and succubus blood gifts them with agility and force of will.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (elf, planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Low-Light Vision (Ex): Fey’ri can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
    • Embrace of the Succubus: A fey'ri's soul writhes with Abyssal power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one.
    • Blessing of the Darkest Kiss (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the fey'ri's level. As long as the fey'ri has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Charisma by 2 and gains a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use enervation and suggestion as spell-like abilities once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Face of Sweetest Damnation (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the fey'ri's level. As long as the fey'ri has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Intelligence by 2 and gains a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Disguise and Sense Motive checks. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use alter self and detect thoughts as spell-like abilities once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. The save DCs are Intelligence-based. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Grace (Ex): Fey'ri gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC thanks to their natural alacrity. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
    • Grace of the Lowest Depths (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the fey'ri's level. As long as the fey'ri has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Dexterity by 2 and grows wings that bestow a flight speed of 30ft with average maneuverability. Each additional point of essentia invested in the ability increases the fey'ri's fly speed by 10ft. Investing a full 5 essentia into the ability increases their fly speed by a further 10ft, and improves their maneuverability to good.
    • Keen Senses (Ex): Fey'ri gain a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks. A fey'ri who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
    • Trance (Ex): Fey'ri are immune to magic sleep spells and effects.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Abyssal, Elven. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favoured Class: Fighter, Sorcerer or Warlock.
    • Level Adjustment: +2

    Air Genasi Racial Traits
    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence: Air genasi are quick in both mind and body.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft.
    • Blessing of the Endless Sky (Ex): Air genasi do not need to breathe, and possess electricity resistance 5.
    • Primal Soul: A genasi's soul roils with primordial power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one.
    • Cloudstep (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the air genasi's level. As long as the air genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Intelligence by 2. In addition, she gains the ability to use air walk as a spell-like ability once per day per point of essentia invested in this ability with a caster level equal to her character level. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Stormsoul (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the air genasi's level. As long as the air genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Charisma and improves her racial electricity resistance by 5. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases her electricity resistance by an additional 5 points.
    • Windshear (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the air genasi's level. As long as the air genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Dexterity by 2 and improves her base land speed by 10ft. In addition, each point of essentia invested in this ability grants the air genasi a +1 dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Auran. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favoured Class: Fighter, Rogue or Swordsage.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    Earth Genasi Racial Traits
    • +2 Strength, +2 Constitution: Earth genasi and both powerful and resilient in body.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Blessing of the Stalwart Peak (Ex): Earth genasi are not slowed by medium armour, or by medium loads, and possess damage reduction 1/-.
    • Primal Soul: A genasi's soul roils with primordial power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one.
    • Cliffhide (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the earth genasi's level. As long as the earth genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Constitution by 2 and improves her racial damage reduction by 1. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability further increases the damage reduction by 1 point.
    • Earthsoul (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the earth genasi's level. As long as the earth genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom and gains tremorsense with a range of 10ft. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases the range of the tremorsense by 5ft.
    • Mountainhew (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the earth genasi's level. As long as the earth genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Strength by 2 and gains the powerful build ability, letting her function in many ways as if she were one size category larger.

      Whenever the earth genasi is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), she is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to her.

      The earth genasi is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect her. The earth genasi can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, her space and reach remain those of a creature of her actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. Each additional essentia invested in this ability increases the special size modifier for opposed checks by 1 point.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Terran. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favoured Class: Druid, Fighter or Warblade.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    Fire Genasi Racial Traits
    • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma: Fire genasi possess bright and forceful minds.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Blessing of the Flame Imperishable (Ex): Fire genasi never take nonlethal damage from heat exposure in very hot or extreme heat conditions, and possess fire resistance 5.
    • Primal Soul: A genasi's soul roils with primordial power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one.
    • Blazefury (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the fire genasi's level. As long as the fire genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Strength and deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage with metal weapons she wields. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases the bonus fire damage by 1d4 points.
    • Cinderfoot (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the fire genasi's level. As long as the fire genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity and improves her racial fire resistance by 5. Each additional point of essentia invested in the ability improves her fire resistance by an additional 5 points.
    • Pyresoul (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the fire genasi's level. As long as the fire genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Charisma by 2, and gains the ability to cast produce flame at-will as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her character level. Each additional point of essentia invested in the ability increases the fire damage her produce flame spell-like ability deals by 1d6 + caster level (maximum 5). Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Ignan. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favoured Class: Sorcerer, Warblade or Wizard.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    Water Genasi Racial Traits
    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: Water genasi are as nimble and untiring as the waves.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft.
    • Blessing of the Endless Tide (Ex): Water genasi can breathe water as easily as they do air, and possess cold resistance 5.
    • Primal Soul: A genasi's soul roils with primordial power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one.
    • Frostsoul (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the water genasi's level. As long as the water genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom and increases her racial cold resistance by 5. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability further increases her cold resistance by 5 points.
    • Riversurge (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the water genasi's level. As long as the water genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Dexterity by 2, and gains a swim speed equal to her land speed, along with the concomitant +8 racial bonus to Swim checks. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases her swim speed by 10ft.
    • Tidefury (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the water genasi's level. As long as the water genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Strength, and gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability grants the water genasi a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks made to trip her opponents.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Aquan. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favoured Class: Fighter, Ranger or Swordsage.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    Void Genasi
    • +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Void genasi possess an unnatural resilience and forceful, unstable minds.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft.
    • Blessing of the Furthest Reaches (Ex): Void genasi are immune to confusion spells and similar effects (such as insanity) and to the effects of vacuum. They also possess negative energy resistance 5.
    • Infinite Soul: A void genasi’s soul gapes with the potential of impossibility. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one.
    • Farcaller (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the void genasi's level. As long as the void genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Constitution by 2 and adds her Constitution bonus (if any) as a competence bonus to vestige binding checks. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability reduces by 1 the number of rounds she must wait between uses of vestige-granted abilities that require her to wait 5 rounds between uses.
    • Nilweaver (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the void genasi's level. As long as the void genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence and increases her negative energy resistance by 5. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use darkbolt (Spell Compendium page 58) as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. The saving throw for this spell-like ability is Intelligence based. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Voidsoul (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the void genasi's level. As long as the void genasi has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Charisma by 2 and gains blindsense with a range of 10ft. In addition, each point of essentia invested in the ability allows her to use shadow well (Spell Compendium page 186) as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. The saving throw for this spell-like ability is Charisma based. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Undercommon. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favoured Class: Binder, Shadowcaster or Warlock.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    Tiefling Racial Traits
    • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma: A tiefling's fiendish heritage grants her a sharp mind and silver tongue.
    • Medium size.
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Legacy of the Lower Planes: A tiefling's soul seethes with fiendish power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one. Each point of essentia invested in one of a tiefling's racial essentia receptacles also grants her 1 point of energy resistance against cold, electricity and fire.
    • Cunning of the Baatezu (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the tiefling's level. As long as the tiefling has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity and can see through even magical darkness with her darkvision. In addition, each point of essentia invested in this ability allows her to use deeper darkness as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Spite of the Yugoloth (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the tiefling's level. As long as the tiefling has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she increases her racial bonus to Charisma by 2 and deals an additional point of damage per die to non-evil creatures with her spells and spell-like abilities. Every two points of essentia invested in this ability increases the additional damage per die by 1 point.
    • Wrath of the Tanar'ri (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the tiefling's level. As long as the tiefling has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Strength and improves the critical range of any weapon she wields by 1 after all other modifiers. In addition, every point of essentia invested in this ability also grants the tiefling a cumulative +1 perfection bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits.
    • Automatic Languages: Common plus Abyssal or Infernal. Bonus Languages: Abyssal or Infernal, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc.
    • Favoured Class: Crusader, Rogue or Warlock.
    • Level Adjustment: +1

    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom: Zenythri inherit the precision and insight of their lawful-aligned ancestors.
    • Medium size
    • Base Land Speed: 30ft.
    • Humanoid (planetouched, incarnum) type
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Ineffable Prowess of Mechanus: A zenythri's soul surges with precisely calculated power. They increase their essentia pool by 1, or gain an essentia pool with 1 point if they do not already possess one. Each point of essentia invested in one of a zenythri's racial essentia receptacles also grants her 1 point of energy resistance against electricity, fire and sonic.
    • Efficacy of the Inevitable (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the zenythri's level. As long as the zenythri has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Strength. In addition, each point of essentia invested in this ability allows her to use quickened true strike as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Precision of the Formian (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the zenythri's level. As long as the zenythri has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity and a +2 racial bonus on Balance and Concentration checks. Each additional point of essentia invested in this ability increases the racial bonus to Balance and Concentration by 2.
    • Unity of the Modron (Su): This racial ability is an essentia receptacle with the usual capacity for the zenythri's level. As long as the zenythri has at least one point of essentia invested in this ability, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence. In addition, each point of essentia invested in this ability allows her to use suggestion as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to her character level. Once invested into this ability, essentia remains so for 24 hours and cannot be reinvested into other essentia receptacles.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, and one of Celestial and Infernal. Bonus Languages: Auran, Aquan, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Halfling, Ignan, Illumian, Infernal, Terran.
    • Favoured Class: Crusader, Incarnate, Swordsage
    • Level Adjustment: +1
    Last edited by Edge; 2015-12-27 at 07:37 AM.