Quote Originally Posted by happycrow View Post
...actually, at least as I interpreted it, he mocked them acting that way. Now, possibly I misread it.
He mocked it as "this normal thing that happens".
That is mock-worthy but also this normal thing that does not even have to align with the rest of characterization. Yes, a Good party will behave like this towards their female member(s). (I also remember V's orbs incident)
Like, it aligns with Belkar's characterization, but not actually anyone else's if we don't assume that it's a normal thing that literally everybody does...

Quote Originally Posted by BannedInSchool View Post
But if in a work of fiction the women were never verbally, physically, and sexually assaulted/abused it would break verisimilitude because the real world just doesn't work that way.
^^^ shortcut to my point

Quote Originally Posted by SaintRidley View Post
470 is good, but I do think that the most recent stretch of strips is definitely more comparable to Roy v. Thog than 470. The composition of this fight has a similar scope to that fight, rather than the single-strip 470, and involves going against the character's most hated nemesis in a situation where everything appears to be completely stacked against you.

Not saying 470 isn't awesome. It is. Just not a pants-crappingly awesome hero moment like Roy vs. Thog. The 970s? That's Haley's pants-crappingly awesome hero moment right there.
^^^ also my point exactly