Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
Weren't all the 'arguements' that she a) didn't need one, b) didn't detract from her character if she didn't get one, c) unlikely to be badass.

Frankly Haley's tactic is smart, in character, and delivered well - but it is not exactly badass.

I mean really can you see that Movie Action Hero/Heroine who is a legitimate ass kicker, is in the fight of his/her life and ... talks the enemy down, than walks with them back to their base and watches as they pick a fight with a (likely still) much stronger character.

I can still see this backfiring on Haley - which also does not detract from her getting out of the situation in the first place.
I find it exceptionally badass. The hero uses her strengths against her opponent's weaknesses to win. With Roy it's literal strength, (or constitution, in his particular case, as he performed a Rocky rather than a Tyson,) With Vaarsuvius it's Intelligence, in figuring out the foe's plan and thwarting it, in Elan's it would be plain dumb luck, (otherwise known as dramatic timing,) and in Haley's it's her ability to fast talk her way out of anything.

Each of the characters is unique, and comes to any challenge from a unique perspective. To have them all face a challenge in the same way Roy would is not reasonable: each should fight with their best stat for the situation. Roy's Str was useless against Thog, so he went to his best stat for that fight: his Int. Haley's Dex score won't help much against a golem, so she went to her best stat for the situation: her Cha.

You don't always have to kill the monster to get the XP.