people begin using computer game and online RPG terms in D&D and other PnP games?

I try to be sensitive to changing culture, and not be an old fuddy duddy, but when players refer to beneficial enchantments in D&D as "buffs" and fighters as "tanking" and people "getting aggro" and other such terms, I feel somewhat annoyed.

Even among fantasy RPGs, each system has its own acronyms, rules, and feel, and I wouldn't blend too much between any two systems. Individuality is what separates one game from another.

To me computer games are ultimately very restricted, and terms like 'tanking" descrive what the mechanics of, say, a warrior in World of Warcraft does, but in a PnP game would only serve to dictate a characters actins. I prefer my players not use these terms, as they bias characters (which are supposed to be role played anyway) toward behaving a in a certain expected manner.

Plus I always thought the term "buffs" just sounded stupid outside of an MMO. We have these terms in a chat buffer because as instant messaging has shown, via typing it is easier to use abbreviations and acronyms for things rather than always spell them out- especially in the heat of battle. I don't see any excuse for this when everyone is around a table- supposedly role playing.