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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Bristol, UK

    Default Re: Erfworld thread IV: In memory of King Saline

    Quote Originally Posted by Wayson View Post
    He probably means a hard refresh, so as not to load from the cache. Hold down Ctrl and press F5 to accomplish this.
    Thanks for that. It didn't work, but it was worth trying.

    The Comic Genesis hosted comics are all dead to me because I don't have referers set and switching it on and off isn't easy enough to make that an option, I suspect this is the same though it also might be not allowing cookies that's doing it in this case.
    Last edited by halfeye; 2015-04-23 at 12:29 PM.
    The end of what Son? The story? There is no end. There's just the point where the storytellers stop talking.