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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Tron Spacetime

    Default Re: Erfworld thread IV: In memory of King Saline

    Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
    I think that's a young Don, actually (Stout signamancy, similar facial hair, and the earring are the smoking guns). Which puts an interesting spin on what Caesar thinks of his and Bunny's relationship. And the Great Minds need a good hard whack upside the head. Unfortunately Parson can't do anything that would deplete Isaac's hit points, at the risk of diplomatic incident, so there's that.
    What earrings? I suspect it's Don's son or father. More likely its his father. Because if it was the son Don wouldn't trust her.
    Last edited by -D-; 2015-04-27 at 06:46 PM.