The players will soon be asked to find artifact in a forgotten, underground city. The only entrance to the city is on the outskirts of a mountain range that has been there for ages. The range is so secluded and grand that no one has EVER attempted to cross them...therefore it is unexplored. The players will have to cross them, and of course, fight some fun, mountain side fights along the way. What I want to surprise my player with is this:

Right in the middle of the mountain, I want it to clear out and have a BEAUTIFUL hidden valley. This valley will be surrounded by mountains on all sides. No way in or out but by scaleing the mts. The valley is about 5 square miles and consists of lush green grass, large beautiful trees, and a crystal clear mountain lake. What I want is a long forgotten race to live in this valley. I just can't think of one. Here are the pre-reqs for the race:

Must be tribal.
Must be of neutral or good. I have no intention of the players fighting them.
Must be structured and battle oriented.
They will be worhsipping an Ancient Silver Wyrm. If yall could work that in, that'd be cool.
CR 5-10. My players are level 7, they'll probably be 8 when the reach the valley.

Just to let ya know, I was thinking of the Dracotaur (MM2 or MM3) but realized the were evil, so they wouldn't be worshipping a silver wyrm. But thats the route I'm working toward.
Available books are: Core, Completes, Races of's, all MM's, Frostburn, Cityscape. NO CAMPAIGN SPECIFIC BOOKS PLEASE, I DON'T HAVE ANY.

I would really like to throw them at a real obscure race. My players and I are both tired of normal humanoids.

